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Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

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  • #16
    Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

    I have dealt with the millers off and on for nearly 20 years and always excellent service. Sent many people there as well, always the same. I will say this when you deal with as many customers they do on a daily basis, it is enevitable there will be mishaps. As to why he went off the handle, I wont even begin to assume what set him off.


    • #17
      Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

      Kevin, I think the thread should be left on both sites, and left to sort out what is the underlying cause of the problem. Because there is more to this then what has been brought forth on there side.
      1940 BLT/BC65 N26658 SER#2000


      • #18
        Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

        I just want to thank everyone for their comments,opinions,and input as well as a few that have contacted me personally.

        I do want to go on record and once again tell everyone that I am in no way wishing anything bad on anyone. I also want to wish Jim and Dondi continued success in the future and maybe my posts will give them a reason to think twice the next time they decide to decline service to any customer(new or old) for any reason, in hopes that no one else will have to feel the hurt and confusion the way I have. However, they will have to continue without my business from now on and I will not refer anyone else to them. If someone asks me what I think of them I will tell them honestly.... about all the great service I've had in the past and the quality of thier products.....and I will also make sure they are aware of why I personally will not deal with them again.

        I admitt that one really bad experience should not be grounds for no future business with each other especially after all the good service ive had from them over the years, but sometimes the manner in which things are handled are simply unexcusable and in forgetable.
        Kevin Mays
        West Liberty,Ky


        • #19
          Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!


          Have you thought of sending them a letter or an email? You could explain your side of the situation and at least let them know you meant no harm in ordering from someone else. Maybe if you included a self addressed stamped envelope, it might prompt a reply. I would keep it short and simple, offer the proverbial olive branch. Have someone else proof read it for you before sending.
          Richard Pearson
          Fort Worth, Texas


          • #20
            Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

            I actually had thought of that(truthfully my wife's idea, lol) and that very day was the same day i received the previously posted letter from them. I think it says all they have to say. I have said my peace about it and made my point. I just hope they think before treating someone else the way they did me. Thanks for the good idea Richard, but as usual the brains of my operation already beat ya to it.
            Kevin Mays
            West Liberty,Ky


            • #21
              Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

              Just find someone else and move on, no point in dwelling over it. Tim
              '41 BC12-65


              • #22
                Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                These are troubled times ! Some time ago I ordered dope and glue from Millers. They had to break down the quantities into quarts in order to avoid hazmat charges. Nice of them except they didn't label the bright new metal cans. I figured out the white dope, but not the thinners etc. I have trouble with paint peeling off of the underside of a wing so I called them to ask if I could fly in to their strip ( is in the Ohio airport registry) and they told me that they were not using the strip anymore and that it was not maintained. The person that I talked to said that they were having considerable success with their new band and were spending considerable time, especially weekends, expanding that adventure. She explained that for that reason they would not be giving demonstrations in the near future.

                Considering the difficulty of making a living of off a small business these days (aviation is really tough, ask Forrest), It isn't surprising that little mistakes happen her and there and sometimes things get said that can't be retracted easily. About the only thing that you can do is leave it alone. It didn't happen. Hope it doesn't happen again.
                Ron C


                • #23
                  Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                  Originally posted by Ron Coleman View Post
                  These are troubled times ! Some time ago I ordered dope and glue from Millers. They had to break down the quantities into quarts in order to avoid hazmat charges. Nice of them except they didn't label the bright new metal cans. I figured out the white dope, but not the thinners etc. I have trouble with paint peeling off of the underside of a wing so I called them to ask if I could fly in to their strip ( is in the Ohio airport registry) and they told me that they were not using the strip anymore and that it was not maintained. The person that I talked to said that they were having considerable success with their new band and were spending considerable time, especially weekends, expanding that adventure. She explained that for that reason they would not be giving demonstrations in the near future.

                  Considering the difficulty of making a living of off a small business these days (aviation is really tough, ask Forrest), It isn't surprising that little mistakes happen her and there and sometimes things get said that can't be retracted easily. About the only thing that you can do is leave it alone. It didn't happen. Hope it doesn't happen again.
                  I dont know these folks . Used to hear good things. Now not hearing that. Closed Airport ? New Band Venture ? Picture getting clearer. Move along.


                  • #24
                    Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                    I sure hope you don't delete anything, Kevin! In my opinion, you've been very nice about the whole deal, repetedly saying what great service you've gotten from them in the past. You're not the only one that's speaking up, and on more than just this site. I totally agree with your stance on reporting the good and the bad... I see no reason not to. People need to grow a spine and speak up when someone is wronged! I know I've changed vendors more than once because of customer service, and I suspect I will again in the future. I've never done any business with these people, and if it was just you complaining, I'd be wondering just what the deal was...but it itsn't just you. That being said, there seems to be lots of people that they have treated fine, so who knows just what happened?
                    Thanks for posting and bringing it all to the attention of everyone!
                    I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead


                    • #25
                      Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                      What it kinda looks like to me is you should have let ACS handle it. It was their mistake so they should make good on it. When you asked ATS to supply the missing part they may have assumed that ACS was going to pay them, you failed to mention if you were billed by ATS. If ATS contacted ACS to arrange payment, they would have been told that the payment for the envelope had been refunded. So it would appear that somebody was trying to get a free envelope. With ATS not knowing the timeline I can understand their actions. Unfortunately posting this kind of string on an open forum appears to be looking for vengeance not resolution.


                      • #26
                        Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                        Originally posted by Edwin Otha View Post
                        What it kinda looks like to me is you should have let ACS handle it. It was their mistake so they should make good on it. When you asked ATS to supply the missing part they may have assumed that ACS was going to pay them, you failed to mention if you were billed by ATS. If ATS contacted ACS to arrange payment, they would have been told that the payment for the envelope had been refunded. So it would appear that somebody was trying to get a free envelope. With ATS not knowing the timeline I can understand their actions. Unfortunately posting this kind of string on an open forum appears to be looking for vengeance not resolution.
                        Jim knew what I was wanting,knew it was not ACS responsibility to pay him for the envelop that I asked for, and knew I would pay for it myself. ATS has our payment info on file and never have to worry about whether or not I'll pay them. and even if there was any question about it or confusion, all he had to do was ask for clarification.

                        As for ACS. They did admitt to their mistake and took complete credit for it. They also apologized more then once and offered several options to make it right, they even offered me a discount if I wanted to wait for the new envelope to be made.

                        None of this had anything to do with ACS. In fact had I just asked ATS for the envelope and not told Jim anything about the deal with ACS I'm pretty certain none of this would've seems to me that Jim took it personally because I had ordered from ACS, at least thats my thought on it, but since he never would offer any explanation I guess we will never know for sure and frankly I really don't care anymore. I'm over it and done with it.
                        Kevin Mays
                        West Liberty,Ky


                        • #27
                          Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                          We who make a living trying to keep GA alive know of many problems, this is minor.... WE do have another source for the same product with one of the owners based here ...... They are airline pilots and trying to put salt on their tails becomes a chore too! I am sure Jim & Dondi are at SNF and that takes up two weeks of their time. I will contact them after April 18. HI KEVIN call me sometime....
                          There are a few problems in all of aviation with misunderstandings between the buyer and the seller. Keep your guns at home boys.... I see we may have to ban knives in this country.
                          Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                          Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                          [email protected]


                          • #28
                            Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                            It's OK Forrest. The Progressives already have a solution to the stabbings in Texas. They are proposing that if you have an X-Acto knife you can only have 4 blades for it.

                            Why would ANYONE need more than 4 blades to build a model plane?


                            • #29
                              Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                              Lol....I hate to even say to under the circumstances, but that's funny Hank. Honesty I look for some liberal to come out and use this to their advantage for gun control saying something like..... If someone could do all that with a knife, just imagine what he could've done with a gun! What I say is, if one person had been at any of these mass shootings/stabbing with a gun and knew how to use it, how many of those lives could that person have saved? And in in a few cases if the gunman or knife man were shot and killed it would have save the courts and tax payers a lot of work and money.
                              Kevin Mays
                              West Liberty,Ky


                              • #30
                                Re: Aircraft Tech Support... Please Read!!

                                Originally posted by Hank Jarrett View Post
                                It's OK Forrest. The Progressives already have a solution to the stabbings in Texas. They are proposing that if you have an X-Acto knife you can only have 4 blades for it.

                                Why would ANYONE need more than 4 blades to build a model plane?

                                This is really going too far now.

                                I thought that 4 blade limit was only for the black assault x-acto knives, that seemed completely reasonable.

