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Original 41 BC-12-65 instrument panels

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  • Original 41 BC-12-65 instrument panels

    I have someone who has an original 41 instrument panel. The one with the insert instrument cluster, NOT the big tach version. These things are super rare and this one would be very easy to restore. I know what I would have wanted for the ones I made when I made a new one for my 41, but anyone have an idea of value for one now?


    The photo is the one I made, not the Click image for larger version

Name:	41pnl all 2.jpg
Views:	667
Size:	379.9 KB
ID:	185352 one he has, but it is this type.

  • #2
    if it looks like yours in the picture i would give 250 or so? not sure if thats fair or not, i currently have a plastic panel


    • #3
      I have the same one, just hanging on the wall. No idea of the value.
      '41 BC12-65


      • #4
        Afraid I would never make another one for $250. It was WAY TOO MUCH WORK!!! Of course when you don't have one and really need one the cost pretty much goes out the window. A lot like the wood doors on my 41. NEVER AGAIN!! I love them and they are great, but they took WAY more time than I ever dreamed to build.


        Of course if my panel or doors were lost or destroyed I would change my tune and get started on replacements, it just isn't something I would do again for money. You have to remember, most of us are certifiably nuts.


        • #5
          Nice job Hank!

          I like my panel I made years ago for Tami T-Craft for her Harer upgrade. It's been so long now that I have to rethink it , what with ADS-B and all........ but I still like it a lot. Then there's Teri T-Craft's panel, with the chrome insert and burnished inset behind the instruments......... I would like to see an original, not buggered up Model 19 panel. Looks like they added two instruments in the top row, running right through the curve, g-r-r-r-r-r-r!

          So many panels over time............ a "Plastic Panel" Paul? I'd like to see that............

          "Captain Jon" Timlin
          '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
          '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
          '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


          • #6
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Tami-Panel.JPG
Views:	566
Size:	158.7 KB
ID:	185479Click image for larger version

Name:	Teri-Panel.jpg
Views:	512
Size:	132.3 KB
ID:	185480
            "Captain Jon" Timlin
            '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
            '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
            '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


            • #7
              Anyone remember, years ago, someone made a run of "owner produced parts" instrument panel blanks and many found their way to members of the tribe. Anybody got pictures of what they did with theirs? Mine ended up as the panel above on the left. Who was that guy? and is he still around and able to make some more?............. it's been years...................

              "Captain Jon" Timlin
              '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
              '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
              '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


              • #8
                Not my ad on Barnstormers NEW Taylorcraft Prewar Panel

                NEW TAYLORCRAFT PREWAR PANEL • $154 • FOR SALE • New Old Stock Prewar Taylorcraft Instrument Panel, How Many Hours Must Have Gone Into Making This! • Contact Deb Vogt, Owner - located Stewartsville, NJ United States • Telephone: 908.995.7820 • Posted December 3, 2019


                • #9
                  Jon may have been talking about David Wenglarz. Search "Taylorcraft Metal Parts by David Wenglarz" and you will arrive at a post describing some of his work.


                  • #10
                    If this panel is in ANY kind of useful condition that price is a steal!



                    • #11
                      its listed as a prewar panel, but its not. I think its home made postwar panel. I had them send pics but I guess I deleted them


                      • #12
                        I ask for pictures, but have not received anything.


                        • #13
                          With everyone staying pretty much at home my annual is taking MONTHS! I have been wanting to make a decent looking setup for some electronics in my 41 and didn't want to bodge up the instrument panel with holes and switches so I built this into the kick panel under your legs. On the left side of the photo (Starboard or passengers side) are the switches for the Master and Field switch to activate the Ward Aero wind generator. Next in the center is a support for the Flightcom intercom for two headsets with their controls. The radio is a hand held mounted to the Pilots side "A" Pillar. The small plug on right side of the intercom mount in the photo is a 12V supply so the aircraft battery can power the intercom, but it has an internal 9V battery. The black box is a replica of the original 41 battery box and lid I made and is shown on the battery box thread. The round grommet on the right side in the photo (Port or Pilots side) is where the plugs to the radio come out to connect to the intercom and below that is the fuse panel. I was told everything had to be labeled (even though you can't see it in the seat) so I painted an old credit card with white E-Poxy, drilled some holes in it and lettered each fuse. Once I did the fuses I went ahead and made another one for the switches too. The battery box is an almost PERFECT fit for a 12V 15AH SLA battery with a 20 amp fuse on the positive lead. Everything in the plane uses internal batteries with a plug so aircraft power can be used if the battery runs down so it is a fully redundant system now. Next I get to run wires to the GPS and Radio plugs and the Aux outlets for the cigar lighters. No structural parts had to be modified and none of this electrical system is flight critical. All of the parts lay so close to the kick plate you don't even know they are there! You can't see the fuses to change them in flight, but why would you try? Run on the internal batteries and change the fuse on the ground!

                          Click image for larger version  Name:	41T Kick Panel.jpg Views:	0 Size:	155.0 KB ID:	189525
                          Last edited by Hank Jarrett; 01-30-2021, 12:23.


                          • #14
                            Got tied up on the FB T page but here are the photos of the top and back of the kick panel. The FB page is really busy! Where is everybody over here? Got to keep this site active! You know with all the political problems on FB it could get its plug pulled without warning!

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0399.JPG
Views:	275
Size:	120.5 KB
ID:	189531Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0398.JPG
Views:	278
Size:	100.5 KB
ID:	189530


                            • #15
                              Holy crap hank, that thing looks heavy. Mine is made from .020 T3 and only has a cigarette lighter installed in it and I thought that it was too heavy...
                              '41 BC12-65

