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BC12D metal stringers

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  • BC12D metal stringers


    I have just started restoring a BC12 D with metal stringers (G-BVDZ ex N96743)

    Does anyone have any details of the woodwork that needs to go onto the fuselage under the baggage compartment to support the ends of the stringers?

    Any help appreciated.

  • #2
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpeg
Views:	212
Size:	151.2 KB
ID:	181311Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpeg
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Size:	145.1 KB
ID:	181310 Here are two photos of the wood under my baggage area.


    • #3
      That's a great help - many thanks


      • #4
        Its a different part for metal stringers. The forward section in the second pic is stamped metal piece. I don't have one, but there should be a pic in the parts catalog I posted awhile back


        • #5

          Thanks for that - I think I have found it


          • #6
            Ref the baggage compartment - I have the taylorcraft original canvas bag for the baggage compartment which is in good condition so want to fit it - Does anyone have any info as to how it is actually fitted?



            • #7
              Depends on the year and how your plane has been modified over time. The ORIGINAL pre war planes were attached with snaps to hat shelf in back and the back of the seat sling in front. There were some pieces of wood on the sides to allow the snaps to be connected if the sling was too tight.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Thanks for the info - mine is June 1946 and seems to be as the last picture


                • #9
                  Little slow on the uptake on this but.... Mine is May 46 and I spent a long time trying to find information on the original configuration and never found a photo, drawing or description of the exact configuration for that time period. I did my best to come up with an install that made sense of the D windows and fuselage brackets I had. I made the shelf from 2024T3 025" and the frame from sitka spruce. The forward end of the wood frames attach with adel clamps as I had no welded tabs in that location. As Hank said the forward lip of the baggage bag attaches to the seat sling via snaps installed in the wrap over portion of the sling.

                  Note that the compartment ends up trapezoidal, but the off-the-shelf baggage compartments are symmetrical. Need to bear this in mind when locating the snaps.

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	DSCN3797.jpg Views:	1 Size:	118.1 KB ID:	181962
                  Last edited by Scott; 03-28-2019, 08:26.
                  CF-CLR Blog:


                  • #10
                    The irony being that those elongated windows are not 1946 BC12D, they are F19 (and as amended by the Gilberti/Harer/Bowden STC


                    • #11
                      There may indeed be some irony but nothing to do with F19 windows. They are not in fact F19 windows, which are at least twice the size. I'm not certain they are from May 46 either but they are from that era. Though rare I have seen other post war BC12Ds with the same D frames.

                      I can see that the camera lens and perspective causes them to look a little longer than they are so here's a different perspective:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCN7232.jpg
Views:	151
Size:	123.6 KB
ID:	181988
                      CF-CLR Blog:


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the info - You have done a great job on CF-CLR

                        Your website is proving useful too...

                        BR Ian

