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Original 41 BC-12-65 instrument panels

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  • #46
    I wouldn't mind trading you some green paper I have laying around for some knobs.


    • #47
      I was just out casting some new ones. We can work something out. Got to get all the 41s we can flying right!


      • #48
        Count me in on the green paper trade for knobs.


        • #49
          I just cast 4 more today from new molds. I want to make the shank part longer so they can be trimmed down and all stand proud of the panel the same. Also for anyone doing new knobs DO NOT take the primer knob off!!! It is a much heftier knob because of the loads on it. The one in my pictures looks eh same because it has a matching CAP glued over the existing primer knob. You would need to stand on your head under the panel to see it. Again, also there are MANY different threads on the different cables. That has to be worked out so the right thread is on the knob for each plane.


          • #50
            Click image for larger version

Name:	CC4C4AC9-16CF-47D4-8987-2A08007ACE05.jpeg
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Size:	139.4 KB
ID:	190390


            • #51
              Click image for larger version

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ID:	190394Click image for larger version

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ID:	190393Click image for larger version

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Size:	101.9 KB
ID:	190392


              • #52
                Here are the pictures of my current panel project.
                I am looking for the A7 mag switch and the small gauges in the middle.


                • #53
                  Paul, what do you mean by the small middle gauge? For the A-7 mag switch it was NOT used on the 41 Deluxe. There was a mag switch maounted BEHIND the panel on the instrument support structure. NONE of the instruments were supposed to be attached directly to the panel. That panel looks VERY repairable to me and could be flush patched to make it like new. The funny shaped bottom center hole above the VNE placard is where the mag switch goes if that is what you mean by the "small gauge in the middle".

                  I have drawings of the support structure that is supposed to hole the instruments behind the panel insert and am making a replacement lever and face for the mag switch so you can use a Grimes mag switch with a key in the lever that looks just like original.


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	PC310003.JPG
Views:	163
Size:	191.8 KB
ID:	190465


                  • #54
                    Mag lever in this photo is still in primer but will be painted correctly for instillation. The A-7 is above it and a stock (relatively) modern Grimes mag switch is top left.


                    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0424.JPG
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Size:	152.0 KB
ID:	190467


                    • #55
                      I was referring to the two rectangular instruments above the mag switch. Are the round gauges behind a rectangular hole?
                      I am planning on repairing the panel. After stripping it looks possible.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by TC747paul View Post
                        I was referring to the two rectangular instruments above the mag switch. Are the round gauges behind a rectangular hole?
                        I am planning on repairing the panel. After stripping it looks possible.
                        Yes, they are standard round gauges behind the panel.


                        • #57
                          Click image for larger version

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ID:	190476Click image for larger version

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ID:	190478 This is what the instrument support looks like with the panel off. The support was shock mounted but way too complex for production and was not used on anything but the 41 Deluxe. It is rare and well worth saving. That panel is really sharp looking when restored! Note that I have the WRONG mag switch in the photo! Also almost all 41 Deluxe planes had the Banjo wheels which are VERY hard to find. The wheels in mine are the ones they put in when they didn't have enough Banjo wheels. I have a pair now but haven;t restored them yet.



                          • #58
                            I tried a next generation of the VNE placards but am still not satisfied with the crispness of the lettering. Since I had to mix a batch of resin anyway I made a couple of molds for the early glove box handles. They only look different sizes because of the angle the photo is taken. They are all three the same size. Top (silver) one is the master, the bottom is one that was resin starved and is junk. Middle one is close but has some thin spots. Not terrible for the first generation copies. Will post more photos of the next batch of placards and handles. Still can't stop computer from rotating attachments!

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Early glove box handles.jpg
Views:	95
Size:	137.6 KB
ID:	191061

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	VNE castings try 3.jpg
Views:	106
Size:	147.7 KB
ID:	191060

