Here's a few pics I took yesterday(and an old one or two) as we unloaded and reloaded the fuslage(it was on the trailer backward and had to be turned around for transport) of the t-craft that over ran the runway at my place last weekend. We had to turn it around for transport to it's new home in Ashland,Ky(DWU).I'll let Dave(plater) continue this or start another thread when he returns.
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N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
Re: N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
Thanks Kevin for starting this thread for me! I returned from my hike on Thursday. Got 90 miles in on the AT and feet not to sore. But this is a Taylorcraft forum so enough about hiking! Still in the tear down phase and will be for a week or so. Did get some of the fabric off and don't see any rust. Today plan on removing the boot cowl and the instruments. Still need to pick up the wings and hope to do that in the next week or so. Once I get everything home I'll post some pictures of the naked Taylorcraft!
Re: N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
Just posted some pictures of the damage to the fuselage. We removed the tailwheel today. Both tubes where broken. Going to measure and order replacement tubes tomorrow. I didn't take pictures of the right landing gear. Not much left to take a picture anyway !!!! If anyone knows where I can get a right landing gear please let me know!!!
Re: N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
So, just setting around on a Sunday morning having my second cup of java. Thiniking about refinishing the wings and wondering--What kind of varnish do I use on the spars? I'll be lightly sanding the old varnish. Does anyone know of a product that could be purchased locally?
Re: N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
You need to figure out what is on them now. A lot of the old spar varnishes don't get along with some of the solvents in the new ones. You can't be sure they haven't been re-varnished with something new.
I would check with whatever you plan to use by putting a chip of the old varnish in a small jar with a little of the new stuff. If there isn't a nasty reaction use a LITTLE of the new stuff over the sanded area (that would still have a little old varnish on it) on the spar and wait a few days for a reaction. You haven't lived till you have had to scrape a piece of furniture down to remove the gummy, bubbled mess you get when incompatible finishes start reacting!
I would do the spar test all the way out at the tip on a flat surface that is pretty easy to scrape and clean, and is lightly loaded in case you need to sand the thickness down some.
Re: N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
The varnish on the spars is lighter in color so I'm thinking it is not from the factory (darker color). Not sure that really means anything. I'll take your advise Hank and do a test once I get a product. I made the trip to T-Crafter's to pick up another plane. Ended up getting a 26' Ryder and needed every bit of it. I now have so much stuff!!! Enough for two plus planes! T-Craft, if you are reading this I did make it all the way to Harrisburg, PA the first night. Round trip from Ashland to N.H. and back in 26 hours!!! So I need some advise guys, The wings look to be in good shape but I'm wanting to refinish the spars and anything metal. I could take everything apart or just mask off and do it in stages. Opionions?
Re: N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
If you have the time and the will, it is usually good to take it apart and look. No telling what may be hiding in there. I don't think I would like to mask a spar around all those ribs and parts to put varnish on. If I thought the varnish needed to be redone I would take it all the way apart and look close at all the doubles and under everything. Better for you to do it now than your friends to do it later to try and figure out what happened.
Good to know about the 26' truck. We may be moving Josh's plane here soon to start the inspection and hopefully a rebuild.
Re: N5080M..Platers Taylorcraft rebuild project.
Well.... good or bad, I'm the new proud owner of N5080M. I am based at DWU along with and beside Platers at our hangars there.
Thoughout the project i'm sure I'll be tapping in on knowledge of all who lives here at TC forum too.
I am on the lookout for a C-85-12 eng. if anyone has one or knows of such.