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Removable Rudder Pedals

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  • Removable Rudder Pedals

    Here's one I hadn't seen before........... anyone ever run into "Removable Right Rudder Pedals" I have a set of rudder pedal bars that have the right side just bolted on, as if maybe there might be times when they don't want the right side to have rudder controls.......... I also have a couple of extra "bolt on" rudder pedals..... what gives with this?

    Did the company offer such a thing, that bolts on, or removes at the pilot's discretion.........

    I am finding some new things every day.......


    Jon Click image for larger version

Name:	Removable Right Rudder Pedals.JPG
Views:	328
Size:	84.5 KB
ID:	186033
    "Captain Jon" Timlin
    '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
    '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
    '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)

  • #2
    My BC12D has them removable on the right side too.

    Last edited by Robert Lees; 01-16-2020, 01:19.


    • #3
      So maybe that was an option.........
      "Captain Jon" Timlin
      '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
      '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
      '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


      • #4
        Both of my planes have bolt on RH pedals as well as a number of spare sets in the parts pile.



        • #5
          Yes, you can remove them and install pedals that have toe brakes...just say'n
          '41 BC12-65


          • #6
            Ah! Now there's a thought! But you'd then have to fly it from the right seat.............. I have not seen any left pedal as "bolt ons"..........

            OK, you brought it up............ how tough will it be to convert my Model 19 project from mechanical drum Clevelands (it came with straight axels) to heel (or toe) hydraulics, or maybe just mechanical disc brakes..........?

            "Captain Jon" Timlin
            '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
            '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
            '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


            • #7
              Piper style pull masters mounted on the gear legs, run the cables from the heel brakes to them, install disc brakes on axles, mount the reservoirs on the masters. Pretty easy to be honest.
              '41 BC12-65


              • #8
                Maybe this way also.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Originally posted by astjp2 View Post
                  Piper style pull masters mounted on the gear legs, run the cables from the heel brakes to them, install disc brakes on axles, mount the reservoirs on the masters. Pretty easy to be honest.
                  Does anyone have a 337 for something like that?


                  "Captain Jon" Timlin
                  '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
                  '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
                  '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by t-crafter View Post
                    Maybe this way also.
                    I'd like to see the completed installation.................... will there be a bellcrank of some sort to transfer the cable pull force to the brake cylinders?

                    "Captain Jon" Timlin
                    '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
                    '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
                    '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by CaptainJon View Post

                      I'd like to see the completed installation.................... will there be a bellcrank of some sort to transfer the cable pull force to the brake cylinders?

                      pull masters, no bellcrank required
                      '41 BC12-65


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CaptainJon View Post

                        I'd like to see the completed installation.................... will there be a bellcrank of some sort to transfer the cable pull force to the brake cylinders?

                        Terry Bowden DER



                        • #13
                          Thanks, Sully. That's the first I have seen of Terry's diagrams of the systems. I think he must have updated the site since I last visited. That's a lot for brakes that get seldom used, and almost twice what Tami T-Craft cost back in 1976 when I bought her. I assume that price is for tapered axle planes, so maybe a little less for my Model 19 with straight axles...... still, nearly $12K for both............ hmmmm Maybe those old Shinns and Clevelands aren't that bad after all.........

                          I know I am already going to have much more into these projects than their market value when they are done, but adding another $6K each......... I need to talk to Terry........

                          "Captain Jon" Timlin
                          '46 BC12-D N94952 Traci T-Craft
                          '46 BC12-D N96301 Tami T-Craft (undergoing restoration)
                          '51 Model 19 N6629N Terri T-Craft (undergoing restoration)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CaptainJon View Post
                            ...Maybe those old Shinns...<snip>
                            Those old Shinn drum brakes may not be up to modern standards, but they suit lightweight aircraft like ours.



                            • #15
                              REALLY TRUE! Our planes are in more danger from strong brakes than weak ones. Planes on their backs are a great source for restoration projects. I DON'T WANT more brakes than needed for a run up/mag check. It is all about energy management.


