There are all kinds of thoughts and theories on how to tie down an airplane. I prefer to have the elevator tied forward, and the tail rope loose enough to allow the tail to come up far enough to dump the lift from the wings if the wind comes from the front. If the wind comes from the rear it will hold the tail down. I have heard stories from when salesmen were flying these airplanes around when new, and they tied the controls forward and parked the airplanes not tied down. This allowed the airplanes to weathervane into the wind, and the tail to come up dumping the lift.
Dad made a control lock for his airplane, but we haven't used it the past few years. It locked the control wheel slightly forward, with the ailerons and rudder in neutral position.
Dad made a control lock for his airplane, but we haven't used it the past few years. It locked the control wheel slightly forward, with the ailerons and rudder in neutral position.