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  • Placards

    Before I print up the instrument panel placards, just wanted to check again to see if anyone has authentic recreations they might be willing to part with.

    I need the VNE placard and the remove UJ when removing control

    CF-CLR Blog:

  • #2
    Re: Placards

    Aircorp bought out Noel Allard a few years back. Contact them


    • #3
      Re: Placards

      These are the ones I have. There were several styles depending on the year. Early ones were embossed, after the war (not sure when) they went to printed.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Re: Placards

        Thanks Hank
        Do you have a pair you would like to sell?
        CF-CLR Blog:


        • #5
          Re: Placards

          I have a few left that Josh and I made. I would need to dig them out of all the boxes (moving a lot of stuff to a new hangar and the old one is a MESS with boxes all over). Message me with which ones you need and I will try to find them. The VNE ones came in several different MPH markings. Not sure if I have them all. We REALLY need to figure out how Josh made the die to stamp the metal ones.



          • #6
            Re: Placards

            Thanks Hank
            I need the same two that are in your photos. VNE 140
            CF-CLR Blog:


            • #7
              Re: Placards

              Found the two 0-140 ones in the photo but not the replicas we made. I think they are still at the airport (in the mess). Couldn't find the others yet except the incorrect pack of mag switch covers (look good, but are NOT right!).
              What year is your plane?



              • #8
                Re: Placards

                May 46
                No panic Hank, I'll just print some for now
                CF-CLR Blog:


                • #9
                  Re: Placards

                  Do you have any info on what was correct for 46? What we need to do is make up a complete set for each period. I have some really good info for the 41 Deluxe including a few of the original placards. I am working on the 45 now but seeing photos that make it hard to tell which versions are which and when they changed for the full production in 1946. It looks like they used some old stock placards for the first planes after the war and put different ones in as they used up the old stock. Knowing what was used in 1946 production would help see what was changed.


                  Of course none of this really matters to fly the plane, but it is kind of fun to try and figure out what was "original" and when things changed. I plan to simply print up several placards to make the plane legal and safe to fly and satisfy the inspectors to start, then replace them with "correct" placards as I verify them and make replicas (or find originals)


                  • #10
                    Someone on the group contacted me recently about a VNE placard. I logged in his request (some of you may have noticed I am bad about getting too many projects working at once and I am trying to get organized). When I found what he was looking for, I found out I logged the request in on the wrong name! Now I can't remember who needed the placard. HELP!!! If I was talking to you about the placards ping me again! I found the old ones and actually found an original pre war cast bronze or brass one like used in 1941! It is in the mold cooling right now so I can cast replicas. Also found a couple of the engraved ones and pictures to make the printed "stickers" Taylorcraft used when they went cheap. I don't want to sell the originals since I can use them to make more, but if someone needs VNE placards we need to start a list (again).



                    • #11
                      Something I find interesting is the VNE for our 41 deluxe is listed as 140 in the TCDS, but the original placard on the panel says 131.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 3Dreaming View Post
                        Something I find interesting is the VNE for our 41 deluxe is listed as 140 in the TCDS, but the original placard on the panel says 131.
                        I think left over standard placards. I think the vne went up with gross weight


                        • #13
                          He saw the post and we were communicating by email, not the forum or Farce Book. Should have thought of that! I also found a 41 cast brass or bronze VNE placard. It says 131 MPH not 140 but who wold ever even go THAT fast in an 80 year old plane? I have made a mold to cast replicas and may have the first one done this weekend. Black background with a copper colored writing.

                          Hank Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0436.JPG
Views:	124
Size:	74.7 KB
ID:	190161


                          • #14
                            Sure beats the later ones!! Click image for larger version

Name:	homemade vs original Vne placard.JPG
Views:	124
Size:	81.1 KB
ID:	190163


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ragwing nut View Post

                              I think left over standard placards. I think the vne went up with gross weight
                              More than likely. The manufacture date of our airplane is about 3 months before the type certificate says that model of airplane was approved. Not real sure how that worked.

