Re: Oshkosh 2017
Hopefully we'll hear from Ryan to get the lowdown on Taylorcraft cornfield performance! Quite a story.
I enjoyed meeting Rob, Mike, Ryan and his Dad and some other Taylorcraft owners who's names I can't recall (failing memory).
In addition to looking for transponder/ADSB/Comm solutions, I spent most of my time poking around various exhibits and exhibitor pavilions. Managed to get some BBQ invitations, a breakfast invitation and one for ice cream
(hey with a 30% premium on the Cdn Dollar I need the support!). Surprised by the number of non-aviation exhibitors... bit of a Ktel revival!
I attended a few presentations, welding, fabric, amature built aircraft, and a couple of interesting ones... Running lean of peak, and "making money with drones."
I also spent some time at the Miller welding tent learning about aluminium welding (in preparation for welding my exhaust shroud).
The fly market is not what it used to be. The Airshows seemed to be repetitive and frankly kind of tame. Perhaps there's just nothing left to see when it comes to airshow performances (I've see too many I guess). The airshow highlight for me was the B1 fly-by at Trans-soninc speed, complete with water vapour "corona."
Just my opinion but I think EAA needs to pay a little more attention to the multi-national nature of participating companies, pilots, owners and other participants. The 1940's political rhetoric accompanying the warbirds is getting kinda old. Actually the over-focus on warbirds in general needs a rethink perhaps.
Having said that the EAA Canada breakfast presentation on the Vimy Ridge Memorial Fly-Past (flight of Nieuports, Sopwith Pups and an SE5) was awesome, very informative.
I walked and walk and admired as many restorations, amateur-builts and projects as was possible to take in. Some beautiful restoration examples although possibly not as many as I've seen in prior years (just my sense, I have no numbers). All this viewing of course is helpful for my own project.
As always I enjoyed meeting people and talking aircraft and aviation. It's a great event!
Hopefully we'll hear from Ryan to get the lowdown on Taylorcraft cornfield performance! Quite a story.
I enjoyed meeting Rob, Mike, Ryan and his Dad and some other Taylorcraft owners who's names I can't recall (failing memory).
In addition to looking for transponder/ADSB/Comm solutions, I spent most of my time poking around various exhibits and exhibitor pavilions. Managed to get some BBQ invitations, a breakfast invitation and one for ice cream

I attended a few presentations, welding, fabric, amature built aircraft, and a couple of interesting ones... Running lean of peak, and "making money with drones."
I also spent some time at the Miller welding tent learning about aluminium welding (in preparation for welding my exhaust shroud).
The fly market is not what it used to be. The Airshows seemed to be repetitive and frankly kind of tame. Perhaps there's just nothing left to see when it comes to airshow performances (I've see too many I guess). The airshow highlight for me was the B1 fly-by at Trans-soninc speed, complete with water vapour "corona."
Just my opinion but I think EAA needs to pay a little more attention to the multi-national nature of participating companies, pilots, owners and other participants. The 1940's political rhetoric accompanying the warbirds is getting kinda old. Actually the over-focus on warbirds in general needs a rethink perhaps.
Having said that the EAA Canada breakfast presentation on the Vimy Ridge Memorial Fly-Past (flight of Nieuports, Sopwith Pups and an SE5) was awesome, very informative.
I walked and walk and admired as many restorations, amateur-builts and projects as was possible to take in. Some beautiful restoration examples although possibly not as many as I've seen in prior years (just my sense, I have no numbers). All this viewing of course is helpful for my own project.
As always I enjoyed meeting people and talking aircraft and aviation. It's a great event!