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Clip Wing and Auster Controls???

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  • Clip Wing and Auster Controls???

    Greetings everyone,
    I have been the owner of a 1946 BC12-D since 1976 and have a couple of thousand hours in her. Flying around North Texas, Jim Swick would routinely encourage me to clip the wings on it but I just could not bring myself to do that to the little long wing that taught me how to fly.

    I am the Director of a non-profit youth aero clube where the youngsters have restored a couple of Cessna 150's and are finishing up a 172. Next up for their tailwheel is a '41 Model T-craft that was donated to the Clube about a year ago. I have both the Swick and Cole plans. I am not real fond of the control stick configuration for a variety of reason's - one is being difficult to get in and out of and the other is we will be using it for training and really want dual sticks.

    I have seen a couple of pics of the Taylorcraft/Auster which (as best as I could tell from the pic) appears to have half the "H" control column with control sticks attached to the cross-member instead of the control yokes?

    Does anyone have any better pictures or information of that Auster arrangement?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0245.JPG
Views:	168
Size:	187.5 KB
ID:	193220
    TF #858
    The Texas T-Craft Racing Team
    nailing down last place every where we go

  • #2
    Not sure why you want sticks instead of wheels. I started with wheels and the transition to a stick was nearly seamless when I started flying gliders. VERY natural. Couldn't say the same for guys who started with a stick and transitioned to a wheel. Not terrible, but really not seamless. As for the stick add on to the wheel system in a "T" I have yet to talk to ANYONE who used it who didn't dislike it (wide open to hear from anyone who has flown it and liked it). My plane had the lugs to hook it up to and I have seen the system but it looked really "Mickey Mouse" to. I would love to have one FOR DISPLAY, but I would NEVER fly with it. The guys who have put a "real" stick in a "T say it is great to fly, if not to get in or out around, but I think there is a real reason the "bolt on" stick mod kits are so hard to find.
    I really would like to hear from someone who flew it and liked it.



    • #3
      I am not sure if you are understanding me correctly. The Tango Thirty One Aero Clube kids are going to build a clip wing T-Craft. Although I do like the control response with the Swick stick, I do not like it for a variety of other reasons, primarily when there are two people on board - I have seen a few pics of the Auster, which early on was a Taylorcraft built under license in England. Two place side by side with a pair of sticks. I ran across the attached pic this afternoon and it pretty much looks like the T-Craft control column with out the upper portion.

      This will be for upset recovery training (wink) for the youngsters. We can just use the full control column and wheels like the Cole plans, but I am looking for alternatives and thought the Auster control system might be it.

      I have not flown an Auster so I have no idea how the stick feels.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Auster Control Column.jpg
Views:	133
Size:	133.4 KB
ID:	193237
      TF #858
      The Texas T-Craft Racing Team
      nailing down last place every where we go


      • #4
        There was an Auster at Oshkosh this year. I looked at the control set up, and was not impressed. I have flown with one of the pre war factory stick replacements for the wheel and it was awful. I think if you want dual sticks you need to design something yourself, or adapt from another design. Here is a set up from a Flight Design CT that some one salvaged, and has for sale. I think it could be adapted to work with the Swick torque tube.


        • #5
          Stick controls was an optional item in a time at Taylorcraft.


          • #6
            I have a plan for sticks for my clipwing, but reluctant to post until I have the system installed and working. If it works it should be pretty slick

