I have finished the repairs from from the ground loop last year. Yesterday when I put fuel in the main tank to do some engine runs I discovered a fuel leak (a 1/4 inch hairline crack) in the vicinity of the fitting where the wing tank drains into the main. I did a search of the site along with consulting the 43.13 and I am a little confused. There are some interesting leak repairs, but I am looking for something I can do that I don't need to hide from an IA (or the FAA). While reading 8-32 of the 43.13 it reads; Special sealing compounds are available and should be used in the repair of tanks. If that's the case which ones? Then again in 8-32 b. Repairs to the tank may be accomplished in accordance with the practices outlined in the chapter 4, Metal Structure, Welding and Brazing of this AC. It sounds like I should use sealents, but welding is accepted if I so choose. Am I reading that right?
What I'm hoping for is a repair I can do without having to remove the tank. If not, so be it.
Delays, delays... To quote Marvin the Martian.
What I'm hoping for is a repair I can do without having to remove the tank. If not, so be it.
Delays, delays... To quote Marvin the Martian.