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BC12 part ID

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  • BC12 part ID

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0171.JPG
Views:	336
Size:	177.9 KB
ID:	185635Click image for larger version

Name:	root.JPG
Views:	414
Size:	204.2 KB
ID:	185634 Looking through my many boxes of parts I find 2 ribs - I am looking for the forward part of rib that is attached to the fuselage frame as per the attached however I have 2 ribs that have the same profile but different mounting holes. Are these the same part ? One is battered and bent and the other is okay.

  • #2
    Looks like the same part to me.


    • #3
      Same part, different part number. The one with the larger cut out is probably for planes with a wing tank. The cut out is where the wing fuel line would come through to run down the "A" pillar to the main tank.



      • #4
        Thanks Hank

        ours has wing tanks so we will use that one

        bR Ian


        • #5
          Looking at your picture it looks like you have 2 for the Left side. The flange should go towards the wing. I looked at an airplane here in the shop, and on it the fuel line and the pitot/static lines go through the smaller notch on the bottom corner.


          • #6
            Yes these are both of the same side - I have 2 fir the other side as well

            thanks Ian


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hank Jarrett View Post
              Same part, different part number. The one with the larger cut out is probably for planes with a wing tank. The cut out is where the wing fuel line would come through to run down the "A" pillar to the main tank.

              fuel line enters center of the wing on inside airplane. someone probably made the large cutout so it was easier to stick the pitot and static through.


              • #8
                On both of my planes the line went from the tank, between the wing and fuselage and through the fuselage LE piece to wrap around and down the "A" Pillar. The 45 has the shut off in the wing root and the 41 is under the panel. When the lever is down (transfer fuel) the 41 rips your knee open and the 45 bashes your forehead. I like the wing root shut off better since a leak in the line doesn't allow 6 gallons of fuel to drain into the cockpit. If the leak is low in the line it will still allow main tank fuel to leak. I have only used the wing tank in the 41 once since I bought her. I run out of bladder long before I run low on fuel! The one time was just to have fuel available to come home since I knew the airport I was going to didn't have auto fuel. A REALLY NEAT mod I saw on one guys plane was to have the handle on the wing tank rotated so it was UP or FORWARD (might have been aft) instead of ever turning it to the DOWN position. Screws up the placard on the wing root, but one bash to the head getting out is worse than having to make a placard. No decent fix for the 41 valve under the panel hitting your knee but if I ever start using the wing tank I think I would put a SECOND valve in the wing root in case the tube leaks (the tube snapped when I took it out which explained the REALLY slow fuel transfer on he 41. Drains like a bathtub now. I will probably put a safety second valve in the 45 at the tank just in case there is a leak on her between the main tank and wing. A PROPER design would have run the transfer line to the TOP of the main tank, not the bottom.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ragwing nut View Post

                  fuel line enters center of the wing on inside airplane. someone probably made the large cutout so it was easier to stick the pitot and static through.
                  I suspect the larger cut out was a later part from Taylorcraft. We have a project here that got lots of new parts, and it has identical pieces with the large cut outs.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 3Dreaming View Post

                    I suspect the larger cut out was a later part from Taylorcraft. We have a project here that got lots of new parts, and it has identical pieces with the large cut outs.
                    could very well be


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the replies

                      looks like a later part - just need to drill the correct mounting holes and refurbish it

                      br Ian


                      • #12
                        Both of my planes also had a piece of "Hat Shelf" material as an inside face for making the upholstery look nice. Hat Shelf is a fairly thick cardboard with a leather looking surface embossed in it. It is NOT water resistant in ANY way! The large holes were in the metal nose rib and a much tighter hole was in the Hat Shelf with a rubber grommet around the fuel line (you DON'T want that rib wearing a hole in the fuel line, but the grommet and cardboard doesn't wear the tubing. The cardboard/leather was held in place with a little 10-32 machine screw and nut. Really trims out that top area of the windshield.



                        • #13
                          Hank, I have to correct you a little bit on the hat shelf material, at least the stuff that I got a few years ago. Tina puked on it and I wiped it down about one-half hour later when we landed and it did just fine. Still in the plane. That was not a pretty day at all, poor girl.

                          TF #596
                          1946 BC-12D N95258
                          Former owner of:
                          1946 BC-12D/N95275
                          1943 L-2B/N3113S


                          • #14
                            No kidding! The stuff I had would curl up and get all lumpy if you got water anywhere near it! Never understood how they could use it for the hat shelf in the back of a car or why they didn't treat the card board and make it water proof in manufacture. Do you have a manufacturer or source for the "fluid resistant" stuff? I had to order what I used form Kansas City at an antique car restoration place. As an aside I sure hope it wasn't your flying that upset Tina that much! I also hope she doesn't find out you told that story on her! Debbie would have killed me. For causing it AND for telling!


