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Will there have to be a mid-air first?

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  • Will there have to be a mid-air first?

    So when do you think we will have actual drone rules in place? Before or after the mid-air that most likely will happen? Tim
    '41 BC12-65

  • #2
    Re: Will there have to be a mid-air first?

    We have the same issues with drones here in the UK.

    Here, there are legal Statutes in place, but the general public are unaware of them (despite this not being a defence in Court). The development of these machines has outstripped the ability of the legislators to keep up.

    Yes, it'll happen, probably with a GA aircraft first, probably with a fatality. An airliner will suffer an engine ingestion next. Then ICAO (who are supposed to look after Civil Aviation..that what the C and A stand for) will wake up.

    Just my humble opinion.


    • #3
      Re: Will there have to be a mid-air first?

      After someone dies, that's my guess. The local John Deere dealership is cost sharing drones for all the farmers.

      F22 Experimental Build
      46 BC12-D


      • #4
        Re: Will there have to be a mid-air first?

        Only a matter of time...

        Ariana A-300 on approach to Kabul a few years back...

        NC36061 '41 BC12-65 "Deluxe" S/N 3028
        NC39244 '45 BC12-D S/N 6498


        • #5
          Re: Will there have to be a mid-air first?

          My consulting company bid on a contract well over a year ago to work on a project to integrate "drones" into the NAS. Our proposal was accepted....but the FAA could never get the money released to do anything. We are still waiting. We HAVE a solution, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get the starting gate opened.


          • #6
            Re: Will there have to be a mid-air first?

            I bet a smoking hole in the ground will get some funding....which is sad because it is being recognized as a problem. Tim
            '41 BC12-65


            • #7
              Re: Will there have to be a mid-air first?

              I know of at least two drone vs manned aircraft mid-airs. The drones are 0 for 2 and the manned aircraft are 1 and 1.


              Don't you hate it when you can't come up with something witty or profound for your signature??

