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Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

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  • #16
    Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

    Thanks for all the posts guys. Funny to see the stark difference in opinions. I have never had any noticeable issues with this tail wheel in the past, but I don't know when or if ever while in my possession that it actually ever locked since I am missing the lock mechanism.

    I ordered the parts to rebuild it. They should be in tomorrow. Not sure when I will get the chance to test it out.

    We ran into a couple more issues today. Most notably when we went to try to start it and noticed a slight fuel leak. When we disconnected the fuel line from the gascolator it promptly fell to the ground.

    So now I am in the market for a replacement gascolator and the mounting/distribution block. The thread on both are gone. Not sure how that happens other than maybe it was loose and vibration destroyed the threads over time.


    • #17
      Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

      If you are ever in front of a 3200, you will never want to go with a crappy maule again. Tim
      '41 BC12-65


      • #18
        Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

        I will certainly consider it.

        One of my deciding factors to rebuild was people noting the increase in weight. I am sure I can go look it up, but does anyone know how much the 3200 weighs? From the link that was posted on page one, I see that mine weighs about 6lbs.


        • #19
          Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

          The problem isn't so much how much it weighs, but the distance aft of the CG. It moves the CG WAY aft! Wood prop instead of metal and battery moved from in front of the seats to the rear and you get some aft CG limit problems.



          • #20
            Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

            AFT cg = faster right? works for the airlines...tim
            '41 BC12-65


            • #21
              Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

              Do you know much about a Scott 3000 ? I picked one up at the Oshkosh fly mart last summer for not much, Im considering using it. But It appears to be full swiveling but with no locking mechanism on it.


              • #22
                Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

                it works like a maule, the 3200 is the only way to go. The locking mechanism wears uneven and will cause it to break left or right easier than the other way, it also wears much more than a 3200. Univair is supposed to have a copy out now, along with the bushwheel copy, they may become affordable new again. Tim
                '41 BC12-65


                • #23
                  Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

                  The Scott 3200 is a good tail wheel on a Pacer, Stinson, 170, 180 etc, but unless you are flying an F19/21/22 or equivalent 1500lb gross model B conversion, or doing off-airport bush flying, its way too much tail wheel for a Taylorcraft, in my opinion. The Maule doesn't have a great reputation, but a Scott 3-24 or 2000, or Decker/Lang would be a perfectly good replacement.
                  NC36061 '41 BC12-65 "Deluxe" S/N 3028
                  NC39244 '45 BC12-D S/N 6498


                  • #24
                    Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

                    I went from a 2000 that bent my rudder horn because it would not full swivel when I was taxing, put on a 3-24B, it would shimmy and could not get parts for it readily, so on went a maule because it was $289 at the time, it lasted about 50 hours before it started to shimmy and it wore the break away feature for full castoring and so I bought the parts to repair it, 20 hours later same on when the 3200, I bought new springs and bushings for the used 3200, 500 hours later not a single problem from it except a crack in the fork from a real hard lading on a gravel bar. I flew it with the crack for 2 years and the repair part cost more than what I paid for the original used 3200. I try to give advice from my experience, I went the cheap route and it cost me 2 rudders that got busted up from shimmying and failing to fully caster when I needed it. If I would have put on the 3200 in the first place, I would not have lost several month flying due to repairs over the first years I owned my airplane. Tim
                    Last edited by astjp2; 11-09-2014, 22:49.
                    '41 BC12-65


                    • #25
                      Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

                      Ok all this talk of the weight of the Scott 3200 is a bunch of bull the hockey puck maule weighs 6lbs the pneumatic maule weighs 6.9 lbs and the scott 3200 weighs 7.0 lbs.So the difference is 1 lb for the hockey puck and .1 for the pneumatic this is from the type cert 1A9 here in this site. There are three different maules the solid tire, the pneumatic with a shimmy dampner built in and the one that you use different springs to stop it from shimming.I have had all three on my Tcraft and all three liked to shake the plane apart also did the rearch the spring to to no change.Bolted on my AK BUSH 3200 and the problem went away and like Astip2 says you will throw away the maules.
                      1940 BLT/BC65 N26658 SER#2000


                      • #26
                        Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

                        The solid wheel Maule on my airplane has been on for probably twenty years. I have owned my plane for the last four years with absolutely no problems.

                        TF #596
                        1946 BC-12D N95258
                        Former owner of:
                        1946 BC-12D/N95275
                        1943 L-2B/N3113S


                        • #27
                          Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

                          Originally posted by M Towsley View Post
                          The solid wheel Maule on my airplane has been on for probably twenty years. I have owned my plane for the last four years with absolutely no problems.
                          Ditto that sort of except that mine is an old Scott 3-24 and has been on for at least the 32 or more years that I have owned the plane.

                          I do maintain it, bearings, grease, cam lock in back in '82 or '83 and so on.

                          Been on turf and mostly hard surface.

                          I guess it comes down to what you like??


                          • #28
                            Re: Another Tail Wheel Question (Please Help)

                            I really like the Lang. It is the best little tailwheel I have had the privilege of setting in front of.

