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WANTED: inside door handles

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  • #16
    Re: WANTED: inside door handles

    The handles im looking for would be mounted to the inside panel of the sheet metal, aluminum door. I dont need any of the mechanism, I am willing to buy the entire inside panel if thats easier for you. It took me about 20 minutes with a pin punch and hammer to remove one pin the other day. no damage, just slow work. either way, let me know how much and what your willing to do. Tho, I am not in a huge hurry.
    freightpilot27(at)yahoo (.) com


    • #17
      Re: WANTED: inside door handles

      (Duplicate post)


      • #18
        Re: WANTED: inside door handles

        Sorry to be late in this thread but I have been in the upstate NY mtns and we just don't have internet access in the Adirondacks.
        I am also looking for 2 full sets of door handles, left and right-in and out so if someone finds a set of prewar please look me up.


        • #19
          Re: WANTED: inside door handles

          I still have a bunch but they are locked tight on the doors. I have tried just about every kind of penetrating oil to get the pins out and they aren't budging. Does anyone have a tool of some kind or an idea to hold the handle and push the pins out?
          I got two off and they are already spoken for but there is a whole stack of doors left with handles if I can just get the !#(&!_(*&@#!_ PINS OUT! The handles look GREAT, except they are attached to really crummy doors.


          • #20
            Re: WANTED: inside door handles

            Originally posted by Hank Jarrett View Post
            I still have a bunch but they are locked tight on the doors. I have tried just about every kind of penetrating oil to get the pins out and they aren't budging. Does anyone have a tool of some kind or an idea to hold the handle and push the pins out?
            I got two off and they are already spoken for but there is a whole stack of doors left with handles if I can just get the !#(&!_(*&@#!_ PINS OUT! The handles look GREAT, except they are attached to really crummy doors.
            I use a snap-on punch to knock them out. Usually if there that bad, the handles are junk too. I have a few loose and on some doors. Will count them up and see what I have left.


            • #21
              Re: WANTED: inside door handles

              Tried a punch, but I need to back up the handle to keep it from being damaged and the proximity of the door surface makes it hard to hold the handle to react the punch. I got a few handles off and they look great after a little clean-up, but getting the pins out is close to impossible.
              What amazes me is how LITTLE corrosion and damage there is to the handles (I think the pin becomes a sacrificial anode that protects the handle, but rusts the pin in place).
              I just can't get them off. First person with a tool that works gets their tool back with a free handle! ;-)

              And with the handles off I should be able to finish taking the doors apart to metal bump the dents out and have a BUNCH of nice doors! Might see if I can make patrol doors from some of the badly dented ones so they could just be popped off and on to replace a regular door. It would be kind of neat to make a hinge pin pull mechanism to be able to jettison the door to bail out for the Acro guys too.

