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Wanted. ...original control yokes

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  • Wanted. ...original control yokes

    Looking for original control yokes.
    Rebuilding a 1946 BC-12D Taylorcraft
    and it has some other type of yokes that
    possiblably came of an old Cessna 150 Yuck!
    Dennis McGuire
    Dennis McGuire

  • #2
    Re: Wanted. ...

    Looking for this type? I have a few but they are in NASTY shape and need rebuilding and new Center Balls. If this isn't the right ones you are probably looking for the cast ones.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      Re: Wanted. ...

      This is the (early, I think) cast ones.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Re: Wanted. ...

        When was yours built in '46? 46s through built before May will have the pretzel style Hank posted. May onward is the magnesium yokes. hank posted as I was. His second post is the yokes used from May 46 on up through the F-19 for sure can't remember if F-21 used them or not.
        Last edited by Ryan; 02-05-2017, 19:37.
        Ryan Newell
        1946 BC12D NC43754
        1953 15A N23JW


        • #5
          Re: Wanted. ...

          Originally posted by Ryan View Post
          When was yours built in '46? 46s through built before May will have the pretzel style Hank posted. May onward is the magnesium yokes. hank posted as I was. His second post is the yokes used from May 46 on up through the F-19 for sure can't remember if F-21 used them or not.
          The early f-21 did, not sure about f-21a


          • #6
            Re: Wanted. ...

            Ryan Newell My Taylorcraft was built in June 1946
            So what is the correct yoke for my Taylorcraft ?
            Last edited by N95334; 02-07-2017, 13:55.
            Dennis McGuire


            • #7
              Re: Wanted. ...

              "Probably" cast, but remember Taylorcraft rarely threw away old stock until it was used up. If there were two Pretzels around they would have used them.



              • #8
                Re: Wanted. ...

                "Probably" cast, but remember Taylorcraft rarely threw away old stock until it was used up. If there were two Pretzels around they would have used them.



                • #9
                  Re: Wanted. ...

                  Dennis the cast yokes would be correct. I have a letter somewhere that stipulates the change in May. That is also when the change from the wood stringers and wood door frames to aluminum that changed the shape of the fuselage were done along with few other parts. Hank is probably right, no way be "100% sure" but it would be a pretty safe bet. I am unsure about the center insert pieces in Hanks picture of the cast yokes and when they came into the "picture" so to speak. I know they were used in the Conway factory in the 50's for Model 19s and the 15As (ours still has them), and The Ferris' used them again in the 70s/80s, but Im not sure if the original factory used the center inserts or not, and if they did use them to what extent they were used. I suspect they came later...
                  Last edited by Ryan; 02-08-2017, 06:13.
                  Ryan Newell
                  1946 BC12D NC43754
                  1953 15A N23JW


                  • #10
                    Re: Wanted. ...

                    So hank how much you want for the first photo?
                    What is it made from?
                    I guess I will need the dark red balls in the middle.
                    [email protected]
                    Dennis McGuire


                    • #11
                      Re: Wanted. ...

                      So hank how much you want for the first photo?
                      What is it made from?
                      I guess I will need the dark red balls in the middle.
                      [email protected]
                      Dennis McGuire


                      • #12
                        Re: Wanted. ...


                        The pretzels look better than the cast yoke, in my opinion. The plastic pieces can be obtained from John Cooper at Sky Port. Go to and select technical resources then go to the very bottom of that page. I have them on mine and it makes the yokes look new. Search for 'restored yokes, and then go to "Pictures of my new restored yokes" to see pictures.

                        TF #596
                        1946 BC-12D N95258
                        Former owner of:
                        1946 BC-12D/N95275
                        1943 L-2B/N3113S


                        • #13
                          Re: Wanted. ...

                          Direct link:



                          • #14
                            Re: Wanted. ...

                            Thanks, Rob. I'm on my tablet and it is a pain to link anything.

                            TF #596
                            1946 BC-12D N95258
                            Former owner of:
                            1946 BC-12D/N95275
                            1943 L-2B/N3113S


                            • #15
                              Re: Wanted. ...

                              Originally posted by N95334 View Post
                              Looking for original control yokes.
                              Rebuilding a 1946 BC-12D Taylorcraft
                              and it has some other type of yokes that
                              possiblably came of an old Cessna 150 Yuck!
                              Dennis McGuire

                              For my March 1946 BC12D rebuild, I purchased new Pretzel yokes from Univair ( they are the same as Ercoupe yokes).


