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BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

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  • #31
    Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

    Originally posted by Leenicklas View Post
    It looks like I need one rib to finish right wing; the 4th in from the tip (counting the short rib on the end).
    Plane is a '46 BC12D. book says rib is 1401-1R, 1402-1R and 1404-1R. Lee
    Look on the Univair site and you may have to add a "U" in front of each part number.


    • #32
      Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

      Anyone know the difference between the B12-805, B12-806 and B-875 shims? My plans indicate B12-805 is required at butt end of rear spar and other shims are used "as necessary".


      • #33
        Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

        I think that my answer is yes.

        I looked in my parts book and don't find the shims but they exist, I have a bunch of them. Will send you pictures Thursday.

        Tell me, what plan/drawing are you using? It sounds good.

        The B12-806 is going to be an oval. The B12-805 is a B12-806 that has been cut in half on an angle (and is as thick as the rear spar butt attach fitting).

        I suspect that the B-875 is the little "U" shaped aileron hinge shim.



        • #34
          Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

          I will really appreciate your pics re these shims; the plans that I'm refering to are "TAYLORCRAFT AVIATION CORP, Frame Assy Wing, dtd 1/5/45 B12 A 836". I bought these plans from Tom Baker in Effingham, Il. You can call him at 217-342-3540. He has lots of TC parts and stuff. A very nice guy.


          • #35
            Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

            here they are, the one at the butt has been cut from one of the others

            the "U" and rectangular ones are aileron end and middle hinge shims respectively
            Attached Files


            • #36
              Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

              Thanks for the pics.....very helpful. A related post says to put the drag wire on top of the anti-drage wire; if I just knew which was which. Again thanks for pics


              • #37
                Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

                The drag wire is in tension when the airplane is moving forward or accelerating so they sweep back.

                The anti-drag wire is in tension when the airplane is going backwards or decelerating (ie. brakes are on is an example) so they sweep forward.


                • #38
                  Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

                  Install the wires so when the wing is twisted to wash it out the wires separate instead of pushing together.


                  • #39
                    Re: BC12-65 Wing Rebuild

                    eek! I think I just did my Aeronca wings backwards!

                    which one goes on the bottom again?

                    I have plenty of time to change it. The wings are hanging on a rack waiting to be fit up to the fuselage so I could swap the wire locations.

                    It has two 13 gallon wing tanks that makes it somewhat annoying.

                    If you figure the "twist" over a set of spars 193" long with 40" bays and spars being 30" apart and a washout of 2 degrees the rear of the last bay is only about 1 inch higher than the root bay.

                    Aeroncas have approx. equal bay sizes so each bay has only a 1/4" rise at the rear outboard diagonal. My ego is bruised so I want to change the thing but 1/4" rise seems like an insignificant issue. I think that translates to about 1/8" interference at the wire crossover. The wires will be pushing together but the rubber hose pads or the tape depending on what you use gives the wires that much interference.

                    Not sure its really worth fixing.

                    Comments and advice solicited.

                    Last edited by Guest; 11-13-2014, 22:13.

