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My New Clip-Wing is finally done.

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  • My New Clip-Wing is finally done.

    After about an 8 year build it finally became an airplane. I have 10 hours on it so far and am going through a very structured test flight program. I am just starting the aerobatic portion.
    Some info about it: My own design airplane based on all I have learned over the years messing with aerobatic airplanes. Not a Cole and not a Swick. Wings are 11' panels with wood ribs, ply leading edges and 9' ailerons with spades. Fuselage did start life as a 1946 BC12-D but only about 1/2 of it is original. Landing gear, engine mount, doors, cowling, boot bowl, tail brace design, and control system are all based on my design and are scratch built. The engine is a modified IO-320 that is putting out around 180 HP. WOT I am seeing 155-158 MPH at 2900 RPM. Cruise seems to be 133 at 2500 RPM. Prop is a Catto 76x52 (I think). The engine is still in break in period so I am being careful to keep temps and pressures exactly where they need to be. Stall is somewhere below 50mph power off and power on there is so much indication error it is hard to call. The nose is way up and it just sorta mushes. Super easy airplane to fly.
    I'll add more photos and info as I get through the process. Was totally worth the grind.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Acroeric; 10-13-2021, 11:46.
    Eric Minnis
    Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
    Clipwing Tcraft x3

    Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.

  • #2
    For crying out loud, Eric, that's beautiful!

    I'll need to come & see it in 2022 (if you'll agree).



    • #3
      Rob- I would love to have you here! I need to return the favor.
      Eric Minnis
      Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
      Clipwing Tcraft x3

      Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


      • #4
        She looks GREAT! Is this the plane that used to be 43710? Are you at KBUY now or did you find a nice grass strip? We are only about 2 hours apart by Taylorcraft!

        A lot FASTER in your new toy!
        Last edited by Hank Jarrett; 10-13-2021, 14:28.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Robert Lees View Post
          For crying out loud, Eric, that's beautiful!

          I'll need to come & see it in 2022 (if you'll agree).

          You come all that way in 22 and we need to get together too!!!!


          • #6
            Hank- It is not the same airplane I had before. That one is in a bunch of pieces still. There was so much that I wanted to redesign it was easier to just build a new airplane. This one did get a similar paint scheme, that's about it. It had to match the company logo! Would love to get together soon. Once this 40 hours is flown off I'll have the ability to stretch her legs a bit.
            Eric Minnis
            Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
            Clipwing Tcraft x3

            Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


            • #7
              Looks fantastic Eric!! Glad to hear you're still grinding away!!
              I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead


              • #8
                nice, now i need to get started on mine. Unfortunately its several down the list at the moment


                • #9
                  Ragwing Nut- really appreciate those pre war center hinges you sent. I used those as outboard hinges to add a little strength since I went so big on the ailerons.

                  N96337- I have a Javron PA-18 kit on order and plan to drop in by you when it is done. With any luck, there will be 3 of us here locally building them side by side. WE plan to take a month each year and explore.
                  Eric Minnis
                  Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
                  Clipwing Tcraft x3

                  Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Acroeric View Post
                    Ragwing Nut- really appreciate those pre war center hinges you sent. I used those as outboard hinges to add a little strength since I went so big on the ailerons.

                    N96337- I have a Javron PA-18 kit on order and plan to drop in by you when it is done. With any luck, there will be 3 of us here locally building them side by side. WE plan to take a month each year and explore.
                    no problem


                    • #11
                      Eric, that sounds great!! The elk are talking right now!!
                      I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead


                      • #12

                        I do not know how I missed this!! Wonderful news! Come down to Columbia KCUB in the spring. Should have lots to show you on the rebuild of The " Airloom" putting in an 0200 .


                        • #13

                          Will you be taking this magnificent bird to OSH and if so It would be an honor to do a story on it, I will be writing again this year for

                          It is stunning....

                          my best,
                          Anthony J. LIberatore


                          • #14
                            Anthony- So sorry to just now see your message. I am not able to attend Oshkosh this year. Way too many work requirements right now to get away. Appreciate the kind comments on it. I have flown it over 100 hours since the first flight in September. I love it. Such an awesome machine. I have been using it for work trips too as I get 135-138 MPH true at 7500 at around 8.5 GPH. I had planned on building a RV for travel but this is too close in performance to bother- plus it is way cooler!
                            If you ever want to chat just give me a call. Happy to share intel about the build.
                            Last edited by Acroeric; 07-22-2022, 04:48.
                            Eric Minnis
                            Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
                            Clipwing Tcraft x3

                            Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Acroeric View Post
                              Anthony- So sorry to just now see your message. I am not able to attend Oshkosh this year. Way too many work requirements right now to get away. Appreciate the kind comments on it. I have flown it over 100 hours since the first flight in September. I love it. Such an awesome machine. I have been using it for work trips too as I get 135-138 MPH true at 7500 at around 8.5 GPH. I had planned on building a RV for travel but this is too close in performance to bother- plus it is way cooler!
                              If you ever want to chat just give me a call. Happy to share intel about the build.

                              Late to the game here, however their still is a chance to do a story in another venue. Thank you for the offer and I will be in touch, hopefully soon.

                              Merry Christmas,


