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N66DX 1946 BC-12D in New Hampshire

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  • N66DX 1946 BC-12D in New Hampshire

    N66DX 1946 BC-12D in New Hampshire

    This is my first aircraft... purchased last year. It's C85 just came out of the shop after a full tear-down, inspection, clean-up, and top overhaul.

    Manufactured June 1946, Serial #1720-6-12

    Full restoration was in 1996-1998 (including full spar replacements), when the overhauled C85-12 was installed with the 1500 gross weight STC.

    Features include toe-breaks, fresh panel that was used for IFR once upon a time I think, nav and landing lights, ADS-B tail-beacon, wing tanks, electric start... and a little extra weight perhaps... but still climbs out nice enough for me (...I'm used to a 65hp cub).

    The challenge I just ran into is that my insurance requires that I have at least 1 hour dual in the same make/model, and I can't seem to find a Taylorcraft CFI near me in New Hampshire. Might anyone know of anyone? (I don't mind traveling a ways somewhere in the North East to get some hours in.)

    Can't wait to get up in her and build some hours... I love having the charm and beauty of a vintage aircraft, along with the reliability of a freshly rebuilt engine and economy of 100mph at ~5 gallons an hour or so.

    And most of all, I love the way the Taylorcraft "flies"... those long wings with that airfoil, feels glider-like to me, especially compared to the cub.

    (I do miss the stick though! And the open door in the summer...)


    -Sean Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    Wow, that is a beauty! Good luck with the search for a CFI. I know one out here in CO, but that's not going to be much good for you.
    '46 BC-12D


    • #3
      You can fly open doors in the taylorcraft, and get ahold of Tom Baker, he may be able to help you get your hour. He is Illinois. Tim
      '41 BC12-65


      • #4
        I think in the USA there is an STC to be able to fly with ONE door off. I don't know if that's the only legal way to do it.

        Having said that (and I'm not in the USA) I have flown with BOTH doors off, but I have been careful to keep below 80mph indicated to protect the aft fuselage fabric.

        Great fun!


        • #5
          There's a 337 on the webpage.

          Mike Wood
          Montgomery, TX
          '46 BC12D
          N44085 #9885


          • #6
            There is actually an STC for flying with one door off, but Jack (the STC owner) died a few years ago, so I'm not sure just what the status of it is. His kids still have his Tcraft, from what I've heard.
            I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead

