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It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

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  • #16
    Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

    It is sounding more and more like this guy is really "one of us". If he keeps the plane and rebuilds it he will probably be a great addition to our group. He sure as heck won't make THIS mistake again!
    Maybe what we need to do is make sure all of US are looking at each other to keep this from happening again. How many times have one of us sen someone rushing a preflight, or missing something we see? I chased a guy in a piper all the way from his hangar to the fuel pits with his gas cap that had blown off. I wish to H**L I had known he was going for fuel! I wouldn't have nearly run myself into a heart attack. I thought he wasn't going to stop and was headed for the active runway!
    Kevin is right, we ALL do stupid things. I just don't want to loose anyone else. We need to look out for each other and just say STOP! when we see something going wrong. If this guy stays with his Taylorcraft, we need to welcome him in if for no other reason than the great lesson he has taught us.

    Now I need to rethink the guy who hangars behind me with the Lancair. He has scared me a couple of times. I wonder how I approach him? I need to get with some of the other friends. We may need an "intervention" before we have a funeral.


    • #17
      Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

      I've known 747 captains that could no longer fly small aircraft. If you do not stay proficient, you lose your skills, period.


      • #18
        Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

        I can assure you, my recent incident has sure made me re-think some past actions. Water crossings and buzz jobs to be exact. I am even questioning wooden props.

        The good lord gave me another chance to keep flying......I intend to take him up on the offer.
        1938 BF50 NC20407
        1940 BC NC27599


        • #19
          Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

          Maybe the Pilot is trying to relive his youth. He may have flown Taylorcrafts in the past. He may have been flying newer and faster airplanes recently and forgot about the best glide of 65 mph in the old T and slipping in. He probably remembers now. I hope he keeps his licience. It amazes me that a 82 year old man can still get into a T. Besides his good health it shows some experience with Ts to be able to get in it. Good Luck to him. Marv
          Marvin Post TF 519


          • #20
            Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

            If you are new to the Taylorcraft or any other type, please do a high alitude stall and find out what the indicated stall speed is !
            When ad 8-10 Mph.
            I know, keep the speed up and avoid stalling in on final, but you have to know the aircraft you are fling at the time.
            Not everting is High Performence like the Swifth, RV and Thorp T 18.
            My friend flyes a Thorp T 18 and he keeps preching speed and more speed, yet I understand why he is saying it , He has only 24 ft wingspan and a LOT higher wingloading then good old Taylorcraft what is so well known as a FLOATER!
            Slow the bird down, and learn to side slip properly, and you can land at anything over 1500 ft, even over an 60 ft obsicle.
            My bird stalls at 42 mph indicated, with very high nose attitide.
            I fly an approsh at 55 to 60, anything over 62 as you come out of the slide slip,I go around!!!!
            I loved airplane seens I was a kid.
            The T- craft # 1 aircraft for me.
            Foundation Member # 712


            • #21
              Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

              I wish I had 1500 feet, where I hangar the strip is 1300 and I don't have any problems and usually have about 300 feet or so left now that is usually. I have used it all a couple times. I did get a chuckle out of him saying that 2500 ft was a short runway, and true I don't leave much of it behind me when I land. His crash was unfortunate but a reminder for sure that anything can happen.
              1946 BC12-D N44178
              Wichita Ks


              • #22
                Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                Just a case of not being used to the plane yet. Most planes, when ya chop the throttle, come down great, the T cart has a lot more tendency to float, added to a bit of down grade... Crap happens.. Betcha he doesn't do that again.. Hope he keeps flyin for 50 more years..


                • #23
                  Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                  What the BC-12 really needs is spoilers. I never believed they really float, we just stop slowing them down when the ailerons get "mushy". The plane doesn't "float", we just land too darned fast! If you have ever flown a sailplane spoilers are GREAT! I understand that a lot of the military Taylorcrafts that had them were required to disable or remove them a long time ago (just heard that. don't know if it was true). I CAN tell you if you leave spoilers open and forget to close them you are in for an ARRIVAL! Even a glider floats like an anvil with the spoilers open. Nice thing is you can snap them shut just before touchdown and arrest the descent, then snap them open again once the wheels (wheel) is down to plant the plane for a quick stop.
                  If they would let me I would have them on every plane I have ever flown! I love them!


                  • #24
                    Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                    Hank, my 250 Comanche has speed brakes. Not near as big as spoilers on a glider or an L2M but they will sure make that baby drop like a lead ballon! Personally I would never put them on a comanche or anything near but they do make decents much easier without having to come way back on the power or slow down,however just make sure you don't forget about them when you make an approch......lmao,and certinly don't use them to try and aid in a short field landing with the gear & flaps down( never realized just how fast a comanche would drop until then),it saved me from a go around but next time I'll just use full throttle and abort rather then having to use it to save the landing gear,lol. Of course the comanche has a neat short field landing style slow her down and just as she settles nicely into a floating ground affect,use the flaps as a reverse spoiler. Raise the flaps smoothly and she'll set right down with no problem(straight out of the POH for the comanche).
                    Kevin Mays
                    West Liberty,Ky


                    • #25
                      Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                      Funny, the sailplane design I am working on has a control that can deflect as a flap or a spoiler. A little TE up deflection is nice for penetration. A LOT is a spoiler. Down a little makes for a nice low speed in a thermal.


                      • #26
                        Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                        Another "floater" is the Mooney. I flew one quite a bit. You had to SLOW IT DOWN! Over the fence at 65-70 or you were destined to land at another airport. (or in the weeds). They even put spoilers on later models but IF you flew one enough you learned to simply slow it down. Great aircraft and fun to fly. (Super 21 or a 201) I landed the T-Craft today on the grass doing 70 on touch down wheel landing. I used up the whole 2200 feet and coasted into the grass overrun to save the brakes. I did this on purpose but I have done landings similar to this gentleman when not intending to. I either went around or applied enough brakes to get stopped.(Lucky) This was years ago. Personally, I don't think he should quit flying nor do I think the locals probably thought much about it. I hope he fixes it, gets checked out and flys on! I've had plenty of near disasters over the years, especially in the Stearman on windy days, so I can't be too judgemental.( There, but for the grace of God go I!) Several embarrassing landings were due to down wind landings which is really stupid. (at W42 the wind T is CHAINED down! So you have to watch the wind sock and disregard the "T"! This is exciting at times! Best Wishes to him! JC
                        Last edited by jim cooper; 08-17-2011, 18:58.


                        • #27
                          Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                          Man Jim! Chaining down a wind T should be illegal and is just ASKING for a law suit. They need to either make it WORK or REMOVE IT! Can you imagine the liability if someone gets killed landing according to a chained down wind T?

                          Nice thing about the Mooney is the ailerons don't go totally mushy when you slow it down like a Taylorcraft. Lots of people I have talked to thought the T was going to stall just because the ailerons got "soft".


                          • #28
                            Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                            Hi Hank....I totally agree with you about the wind T. Its been mentioned many times to the owner (daughter of the man who started the airport, now gone.) No reply, so it goes on. Your comments are right on and yes I think a lawsuit could occur. She is not a pilot however and I suppose just doesn't realize the importance! JC


                            • #29
                              Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                              [QUOTE=Len Petterson;66188]If you are new to the Taylorcraft or any other type, please do a high alitude stall and find out what the indicated stall speed is !
                              When ad 8-10 Mph.

                              does the acft fly the same at "high altitudes"? I thought the air was thinner up yonder....

                              Just sayin....

                              Lloyd Perkins


                              • #30
                                Re: It's Just Been a Bad Couple of Weeks for Taylorcrafts!!!!Truelly Sad

                                High altitude in a T-Craft is 2,500 feet, at least for me...

                                TF #596
                                1946 BC-12D N95258
                                Former owner of:
                                1946 BC-12D/N95275
                                1943 L-2B/N3113S

