I'd like to commend a supplier.
I spent half the day yesterday running around town trying to find grease seals/retainers for the inboard wheel bearings. Plenty of 08125 Timkin bearings around...but no seals.
So this morning I tried calling Skybound:
I said "Do you have the 6CP35 bearing retainer?"
She said, "Sure."
I said "Do you have 2 of them?"
She said, "Sure"
I said, "Could you send me a couple?"
She said, "Sure, gimme your address. I'll send the parts, then you send me the money. OK?"
I said, "Sure."
It was that simple. I love Skybound.
I spent half the day yesterday running around town trying to find grease seals/retainers for the inboard wheel bearings. Plenty of 08125 Timkin bearings around...but no seals.
So this morning I tried calling Skybound:
I said "Do you have the 6CP35 bearing retainer?"
She said, "Sure."
I said "Do you have 2 of them?"
She said, "Sure"
I said, "Could you send me a couple?"
She said, "Sure, gimme your address. I'll send the parts, then you send me the money. OK?"
I said, "Sure."
It was that simple. I love Skybound.