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Factory parts

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  • #16
    Re: Factory parts

    Originally posted by robbie View Post
    New owners,or money backers.
    Advice from a retired 38 year bussness man. have hired and fired many people in my years, hiring is more fun than firing and laying off, "But GET RID OF HARRY"..
    If you want to save the bussness and move forward you must have a new look and image.
    Take a look at Univair and Wag-areo, they both started late and already shipping struts, Wag-aero got their approval now and are making struts for $1800, a set.
    I'm sure they are making some money's on the sets.
    Take a long look at your prices.
    I can't beleive 40 owner put out $3400 for these struts.
    Jim, not shooting arrows at you, I feel for you, you jumped in early
    and the factory could not deliver.At the begining they were the only game in town
    I hope you get your money back because you have options now,
    Plus your struts checked out good.
    One last peice of advice, move the factory to FL.
    Ya, you got it right on target, I couldn't agree more, I just freaked out, that that if I didn't get in the cue that I'd be grounded by summer, so bucked up and "TRIED TO BUY THE BEST" and was surprised when Harry called and said it was time to send the money parts were shipping on Thursday
    that was on Monday, and he would ship as soon as funds were in Brownsville,
    and like a dumb "sl##2;a, I did it, that call from him came less than a month after I placed the order. Well, I won't do that ever again, never never never, I should have smelled the rat when they refuse COD'S ect
    oh well, now we can wait and see? I'm with Forrest, I'll give them a chance, but must say I'm very skeptical. There has already been a very significant breach in the story just in the past 24 hrs, that has me concerned. I'm going to just keep it quiet and wait, don't really have any choice at this point anyway.

    James "Jim" Stallings Sr
    Alva, Ok


    • #17
      Re: Factory parts

      lots more on the other thread. Now back to the office tomorrow AND try to ship stuff from there, I don't cash check or swipe card till shipped. Two deposits going out tomorrow also. Hope I don't have to swim over to
      the airport!!
      Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
      Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
      [email protected]


      • #18
        Re: Factory parts

        Originally posted by crispy critter View Post
        I agree with Forrest,maybe there's more to this new guy then meets the least it could be better then nothing if they can really put parts out the door and in the costumers hands. I agree NOT to send them any cash, but COD's cost you nothing if nothing arrives to pay for.
        It just costs you time wasted waiting for non-arriving parts and chasing answers. I agree with Bill in the other thread, they need to step up now and start talking to Tcraft owners. Secrecy and trying to protect Harry's 'good name' are damaging. We've heard this scenario three or four times now and the situation has only gotten worse. Now, anyone would be a fool (yes I said it) to do any business with the factory.

        So, if the new principals want to revive their investment, they better try to breathe life into their necrotic customer base. The best way to do that is to be proactive, responsive and forth-coming.PDQ. If they choose not to, so be it, it's their money and business. I'm sure Univair, Wag Aero, etc. are more than happy to pick up the slack, and so far have proved willing and able. (Hint to those involved, look at how Univair's been communicating here)
        1946 BC-12D N96016
        I have known today a magnificent intoxication. I have learnt how it feels to be a bird. I have flown. Yes I have flown. I am still astonished at it, still deeply moved. — Le Figaro, 1908


        • #19
          Re: Factory parts

          Who said, "Lies, damn lies, and more lies" ? Yes, this is a rant.

          As I said a few weeks back, they will eventually ship a couple of sets of struts, then you will see a number of folks come forward to say that it is in our best interest to deal with the 'factory' and then the cycle starts again.

          As long as Harry is involved the routine will continue. Why? because it is a business model that works for Harry. Does he think he is doing anything wrong? Nope, not in his mind. Everybody is out to get him in his way of thinking, so he tailors his business dealings in a way that puts him in a position to take advantage. And as someone else has said, there are enough unsuspecting people out there that are not a part of this forum that will deal with him and send him money.

          On the Wall Street Journal This Morning radio program this morning (5AM in the East) there was a business consultant that suggested that with the upcoming, impending recession in the economy, the best way to weather the storm is to KEEP the customers that you have. Do the little things that keep customers coming back. Send a card. Have them join an e-mail list that gives out occasional coupons. Give the established customers a reason to feel wanted and part of something special.

          The Taylorcraft organization in Texas has one idea of how that should work and that is to rope in unsuspecting folks instead of keeping the present customers. Let's face it, naive people keep sending him money, otherwise he really would go away.

          Too bad.

          Jack D


          • #20
            Re: Factory parts

            Thank you tribe members for expressing such good thoughts.
            It makes my life easier, especially with the flooding, electric out, break downs, slop & crap up here in Alliance.
            Keep the thoughts coming I have been assured the threads are being read in Brownsville. bye till this evening.
            Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
            Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
            [email protected]


            • #21
              Re: Factory parts

              Trying to clean up the company with Harry still in power is like having a kid's birthday party in the back yard with a fight-trained/abused Pit Bull running loose.

              Most people that behave as he does are eventually confined or put on medication. If they have power and money it takes longer.
              Last edited by flyguy; 02-07-2008, 09:39. Reason: SP


              • #22
                Re: Factory parts

                I'm kinda surprised that the new folks down in Brownsville haven't posted something on the web-page about what is going on? That to me is very
                strange, If it was my ship I sure would have, try to communicate some and let folks know the "PLAN". Just hide and watch, It is going to take alot
                of work, and creditablity changes to fix the mess, IF IT IS FIXABLE not
                sure it is, and sure won't be if Harry Ingram stays arround.

                Wonder if Dave or Scott are reading the forum?


                • #23
                  Re: Factory parts

                  THESE are not the new folks this is the old folks....from way back ( Harvey Patrick) back in Delaware
                  who is Dave? Scott will be reading all, and Steve too! they will post when they sort stuff out I am sure!
                  Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                  Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                  [email protected]


                  • #24
                    Re: Factory parts


                    Meant Steve, sorry Forrest!


                    • #25
                      Re: Factory parts

                      atta boy , I have to keep these names straight, my 65 yr old brain does not compute new stuff quickly. Talked with Scott just now , THEY will post when ready. THEY are on top of things. New events for 2008 posted at more soon!
                      Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                      Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                      [email protected]


                      • #26
                        Re: Factory parts

                        Hello Group- I am new to this, please bear with me. I feel compelled, as a personal friend and business associate with the D & E team of Steve C. and Scot R., that Only about a week ago, they were asked to step into the Taylorcraft Mix, by Harvey P. The goal, to Save Taylorcraft, If it was at all possible.
                        These guys are honest businessmen, with a desire to make wrongs right. They have had nothing to do with the Lying, cheating, and thievery, and past degradation accomplished by Harry I.
                        I, personally, do not know what the outcome will be. I Know they went to Texas to see if anything could be done. I know they have talked to some of you about Strut orders.
                        For those of you who are bashing D & E, your efforts are being directed in the wrong direction. Again, I personally think the Taylorcraft company was poisioned by a criminal, but it was not D & E.....Ed Fisher, Raceair Designs


                        • #27
                          Re: Factory parts


                          A HUGE thanx for stepping up and informing us!!!!!!!!!!

                          We ALL want a factory that we can count on.

                          MIKE CUSHWAY
                          1938 BF50 NC20407
                          1940 BC NC27599


                          • #28
                            Re: Factory parts

                            If the new folks wish to turn Taylorcaft around (and I sincerely hope they do), there is one step they need to take that they currently have not. The need to announce that Harry will not be involved with the new company in any way, shape or form.

                            They need to make this announcement quickly. They need to make this announcement publicly. They need to make this announcement repeatedly in a very loud voice. Until this is accomplished the shadow of doom that Harry has cast on the company will continue to follow them.
                            Craig Helm
                            Prior owner N8ZU '90 F21B


                            • #29
                              Re: Factory parts

                              With a mess the size that Harry made I can understand that they aren't saying anything yet. It could take quite a while to figure his books out (if there are any). I would rather have silence than a series of public denouncements and a bunch of finger pointing that have to be partially or completely retracted in the future. That ruins THEIR credibility. Let them get their feet on the ground and find the "Truth" in Texas. Then we can judge them by their INFORMED actions.
                              That said, I will proceed with caution. I WON'T be sending any cash or checks to Taylorcraft until their credibility is restored. I hope that is soon. If it isn't, we have several credible, trustworthy suppliers on line now. I would trust Taylorcraft LESS if they jumped in the "Beat up Harry" line before they had all the facts.

                              I'm sure they have enough information on him to slap him around some already; we just haven't been invited to the party yet.


                              • #30
                                Re: Factory parts

                                Originally posted by Ed Fisher View Post
                                Hello Group- I am new to this, please bear with me. I feel compelled, as a personal friend and business associate with the D & E team of Steve C. and Scot R., that Only about a week ago, they were asked to step into the Taylorcraft Mix, by Harvey P. The goal, to Save Taylorcraft, If it was at all possible.
                                These guys are honest businessmen, with a desire to make wrongs right. They have had nothing to do with the Lying, cheating, and thievery, and past degradation accomplished by Harry I.
                                I, personally, do not know what the outcome will be. I Know they went to Texas to see if anything could be done. I know they have talked to some of you about Strut orders.
                                For those of you who are bashing D & E, your efforts are being directed in the wrong direction. Again, I personally think the Taylorcraft company was poisioned by a criminal, but it was not D & E.....Ed Fisher, Raceair Designs
                                Ed you are right on target with this, and the term CRIMINAL IS RIGHT ON TARGET ALSO, I've been after Harry Ingram for 3 months trying to get Texas, the County Sherrif, the DA for Cameron Country and others into this
                                to try and prosecute him for criminal behaviour so far no takers?? so much for TEXAS

                                Anyway, I sure hope Steve and Scot can get something rolling again on this


