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Factory Sherriff's sale

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  • #76
    Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

    This is a group of airplane enthisuasts, pilots and airplane owners. By DEFINITION there will be egos here. I may regret saying this later, but Forrest has earned the majority of whatever ego he has regarding T-crafts. There are a few points on which I have disagreed with his decisions publicly, and I stand by what I said, but overall I believe he has indeed put in far more time and effort than anyone else. Although (my ego) could suggest a few changes in how things are done in the details, the fact is clear to me that there aren't any better hands for the Foundation to be in than his.

    Everyone seems to have some parts of a valid point. Terry, you (and everyone) are entitled to know the stated purposes and activities of the Foundation. Forrest, in my personal opinion (as only one individual member), those stated purposes should be more specific than the brief generic boilerplate text that has been mentioned in the recent posts. IMHO there should be an agenda and a list of things the Foundation does and wants to do. Yes I'll put my time where my mouth is and write out what I would like to see, if it is wanted.

    However, there is no obligation for the Foundation to seek out ownership of the type certificate or to manufacture parts. The Luscombe guys did it with an unknown degree of success. The NAvion guys did too much and got their balls put in a vice for making undocumented parts. The Swift guys I believe have had troubles but I don't know the details.

    So I am guessing there is probably more to this than meets the eye, and perhaps Forrest knows this from experience. Perhaps the Foundation should have the TC and make parts, perhaps not. I strongly hope that those things are pursued, but I have no direct experience with that stuff. I offered to pitch in whatever talents and experience I have that might be useful. Forrest has heard that from me more than once. But the point is that I can only contribute a certain amount of actions, a certain small amount of money, and a very small amount of expertise. Most of us are in the same boat, meaning that there would still have to be a group of full time leaders to actually get something done.

    I believe Forrest's big complaint is that there is this huge part of the iceberg that is not addressed by all the well-wishing and small contributions from members like me. He has time and time again said "anyone who has a workable plan contact me and I'll discuss it". That challenge has gone un-met to my understanding.

    Terry you're a DER which is a high value resource to the club if you're willing to help out. But there are likely some limits on how much help you are willing to be for free. Same with the engineers and other resources on this group.

    There needs to be a real live production manager and business person to run the business end of making airplanes or even parts. As I mentioned, the Foundation could subcontract that out to a PMA specialist and not have to hire managers. I would think this is the ideal situation, where the Foundation owns that tooling and rights, but has some company like Univair, Wag-Aero, Aerometals etc. make the parts.

    I agree with Terry that there may indeed be enough people here who would go into their pockets and donate money to make an offer on the assets. Since nobody seems to know what the selling price would be, then by the same token nobody knows whether we're not talking about having enough money. After ten or more ownership changes and nobody making any real money on it, I would think the price would be fairly reasonable.
    Taylorcraft : Making Better Aviators for 75 Years... and Counting

    Bill Berle
    N26451 (1940 BL(C)-65) 1988-90
    N47DN (Auster Autocrat) 1992-93
    N96121 (1946 BC-12D-85) 1998-99
    N29544 (1940 BL(C)-85) 2005-08


    • #77
      Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

      Originally posted by Forrest Barber View Post
      Terry I really have not found your filled out application form.... Was that your first payment to the TOC & TF if so we needed the application form e-mailed or mailed.
      Thank you for addressing my concerns. I really did not intend to come across as critical. I think you and others have tried to read something into my lines. My questions about the mission of this foundation are just that, because I did not know. Please excuse me for bluntly asking the way I did. I am merely trying to establish for my own peace of mind what this foundation stands for. I have never (until now) stumbled across the webpage defining the foundation, its incorporation, etc.

      Yes, I am a new applicant for membership. I did not realize there was an application form beyond the information I supplied with my payments. I will be glad to fill it out... and I will email it to you direct, Forrest.

      It seems that some are questioning my character and what I stand for. This is only fair since I am questioning the purpose of the Foundation. So let me state where I stand. I have enjoyed viewing and participating in this Forum website since 2004. I have always tried to add positive input. I've met some great folks through this site. Ask Harry, I have been one of his Allies... met him in person and offered my assistance with FAA certification. I've defended Harry on this forum because I have been hoping as much as anyone that he will be successful in keeping the TC alive. I have known a lot of the members (including Chet Peek) of this forum from the late 1970s when I was a teenager, through my dad who taught me to fly in a BC12-D. I missed being away from flying for the almost 20 years as I've had higher priorities in raising a family and establishing a career. Three years ago, my father-in-law decided to learn to fly. He found a cute little BC-65, bought it, asked me to teach him to fly. He got me back into flying after all this time and I helped him get into it at the same time. Through our escapades, 2 years ago, we ran across Lee Eyler... the owner of my dad's old BC12D, in which I learned to fly and which I helped my dad restore as a kid. This year, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to acquire that same '46 BC12D. With the sale.. Lee passed on to me all 20 some years worth of TOC newsletters that he had collected and recommended that I join. So.. here I am... Now that I am an owner... I look forward to adding my support to the foundation.

      My only comments of criticsm to you Forrest and to others not only on this thread... is... For the good of the foundation.. please take note that the newcomers to this group are its future. Keep it positive, or the negative will surely spoil a good thing that you and others have spent your time and effort to create.
      Terry Bowden, formerly TF # 351
      Consultant D.E.R. Powerplant inst'l & Engines
      Vintage D.E.R. Structures, Electrical, & Mechanical Systems
      BC12D, s/n 7898, N95598
      weblog: Barnstmr's Random Aeronautics
      [email protected]


      • #78
        Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

        These type of dialogs, tense as they may get at times, always seem to work out for the best. I, as much as anyone here, appreciate the knowledge available thru this group. I feel that I can contribute to the group thru the engineering, design, and mfg. of some of the non-available parts we all seem to need. Lot's of wisdom in Bills recent post. Thanx Bill!

        I met Forrest for the first time at the TC Fly-in in July and was very appreciative of the personal time that he gave me while there. At the Fly-in, it was hinted by several folks that I needed to join the TOC and the TF if I wanted any response or info from Forrest on the forum. At the Fly-In, I joined BOTH and paid dues to both for (2) years. Since joining I have e-mailed, called and private mailed Forrest on a dozen occassions.....all unanswered. If I harbor any ill feelings toward the foundation at all, it is only the frustration of not being able to tap into the primal knowledge. What am I doing wrong Forrest?
        1938 BF50 NC20407
        1940 BC NC27599


        • #79
          Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

          Against my better judgment, I'm going to weigh in on this thread. I think Terry has hit a nerve with an issue that reflects the feelings of many, many in this group.
          I've heard personally from a number of Foundation members that their phone calls and emails have gone unanswered, as I know mine have in the past. Most won't say anything because they don't wish to be, essentially, excommunicated.
          There have also been many statements made that have sounded like they're coming from on high....basically pronouncements of how things are going to be.
          It's also very difficult to distinguish exactly what is Foundation business and what is owned by the Foundation from what is owned privately and what business is conducted outside the Foundation. It seems or at least feels like much of the time the assets of the Foundation and information available at the Foundation are not really available.
          On the other hand, I know I often say or write things that come across much different than I actually mean them (probably right now), so I try not to be too judgmental in that regard. I also am well aware of the demands of business and charitable work as I am heavily involved in both. Still, I would hope that an effort be made to make the Foundation a little more transparent in function and little more user friendly for the members.
          WE ARE ALL aware of what a valuable asset the Foundation and the Owner's Club are. WE are also aware of what a valuable asset the people of the Foundation are......their combined knowledge and experience are essential to the preservation of this great airplane that we all love.

          1946 BC12D N43457
          1946 F19 Conversion N46TC
          1948 Stinson 108-3 N6509M


          • #80
            Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

            I am learning a lot from the dialogue, Mike Cushway has sent three e-mails; one since the fly-in. I have not answered very many since the fly-in since I was NOT HERE! Forrest, here is the one dated Aug 1, 2006

            "Hope you had a good time at Oshkosh!
            I checked into having the new data tags made for the Taylor Young series planes. Best price I can get is $300 for (25) tags ($12 ea). I would be willing to go ahead and foot the initial cost and then send you the remaining (24) tags. Hoping we can work out a trade deal on their value?
            I want to convert my 1938 back to an open cowl. I saw a couple sets of NOS open cowls in your hanger. What do these fit? It seems that I saw a forum post indication that the firewall is diifferent as well? What about boot cowl? Also, I am looking for a prewar style opening window frame for my RH (and only) door. I thought I saw a frame or two in your hanger as well. Thanx!

            I am sending you another document showing Col. Roscoe Turner as first owner in Jan of 1939. I believe the one you copied was dated 1940 or so.

            MIKE CUSHWAY
            Mfg. Eng.
            920-478-2191 X-12458"

            Mike I am sorry I have not contacted you, ( being done today) I did contact the ones that had a broken partl I do not do private e-mails..... that must be where the other 9 are located. Notice there is not reference to your Foundation number... I spent this afternoon with a new member Ron Baker, he drove here from the east coast enroute Columbus. Has a nice Aug , 1946 ship. He used the resources of the foundation too! I will soon attach the newest new member letter for review of those who forget what the membership has here for their reference.
            Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
            Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
            [email protected]


            • #81
              Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

              I don't know how we got started on this thread but I think that as we get older we develop a thin skin. Things that we would not have though twice about when we were younger we now really take to heart. Hang in there Forrest.


              • #82
                Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                I have absolutely NO complaints, but I will make an observation and a suggestion:

                The suggestion first: Life is kinda complicated nowdays, especially as I get older(just got my first AARP card at 50). Filling out two annual checks, and two separate applications to join two Taylorcraft groups is fine, but how about combining the forms into one, and letting me pay 5-10 year membership chunks instead of two per year?

                The observation: To me, the real power of the group is the group itself. The foundation (really this "chatrooom") is why I want to belong. Nothing against Forrest- or anyone for that matter, but if I ever need help, I can get it from you guys that are so willing to share your knowledge and experiences. This group is the real Taylorcraft, not the "factory"!!!!!!

                John 3728T


                • #83
                  Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                  To redirect for a moment this thread, and I may have missed this as I was reading the posts, who is Mr. Patrick that Forrest refers to? When I originally called down to Texas to determine what was being sold, I was not advised who this gentleman was. Can someone please explain? Thanks!!!

                  TF #596
                  1946 BC-12D N95258
                  Former owner of:
                  1946 BC-12D/N95275
                  1943 L-2B/N3113S


                  • #84
                    Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                    Hi All, Mr.Tom Garrick I sent you a private e-mail asking for more info about the factory sale ,especially since you were there.
                    Thank you , Mike


                    • #85
                      Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                      Thanx Forrest!

                      I know you are busy....answer when you can. I look forward to the communications.

                      A GREAT WEEKEND to all!
                      MIKE CUSHWAY
                      1938 BF50 NC20407
                      1940 BC NC27599


                      • #86
                        Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                        I will make this the last post to this thread, I think we have settled most questions and the new members seem to have been satisfied. This pay pal thing is all new, it seems to be good BUT remember if you pay then WE must know who you are with an application sent to both. I WILL accept the Owners Club stuff and in fact I copy the application for Bruce... Someone wanteds to know about one check;;;;; TALK to the Owners Club WE were willing a long time ago. It is only in July that the Club & the Foundation agreed to share the newsletter.
                        As to the Foundation assets, WE have flat file drawers, a shared copier, the INSPECTION drawings from Mrs. Feris for the F-19 and a lot of the late B stuff. I paid $2800.00 for them and they are on loan to the Foundation for the use of the members. I have loaned a lot of D drawings to these files too. WE have a escrow account for improvements to the back room and would sure like to do a museum, I appreciate the offers of grant writing and am about to present that toi the Board for consideration, the Taylor family has presented ideas for the museum, WE are listening.

                        There are many parts here, come see. Barber Aircraft Inc. sells the parts to needy folks . FOUNDATION MEMBERS COME FIRST, USE THAT #.

                        WE is the Foundation , I & me are just that one opinion from
                        Taylorcraft Foundation member #1
                        I cannot always copy & send ( the factory has priority rights ) you are welcome to come here and check them out WHAT you do with them is YOUR business. It is a nasty world out there, full of lawsuits. I merely want to preserve them! As to the 743 TC the Model D that a few of you inquired about; I have a lot of those drawings and ALL of them are about 25 miles east of me. There are most on a CD set & the famous microfilm too. more on the 743 TC soon! I will post to the Foundation section more on this soon. Where was I for a while? Acquiring the left over Jack Gilberti stuff from his private collection. Pulleys & bushings are the first items Barber Aircraft will be selling them. don't e-mail requests yet I will let you know.
                        Last edited by Forrest Barber; 09-01-2006, 13:46.
                        Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                        Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                        [email protected]

