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Factory Sherriff's sale

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  • #61
    Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

    I was hoping someone who was there yesterday would give us a report. Rumor has it that perhaps Mr. Patrick did exercise his rights under the U.C.C. to be number 1 and did purchase the items. The welding stuff & a brake went to someone else. Can ANYBODY verify this report.... Surely there will be a report to someone down there. thanks Forrest ; off today to do an Annual on a Navion L-17B.... then crabs, wings & ????
    Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
    Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
    [email protected]


    • #62
      Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

      Originally posted by Forrest Barber View Post
      NO the Foundation will not try for the Type Certificates, I do not have the deep pockets of the Luscombe Foundation folks that really got into problems...
      I am trying to understand here. What exactly is this foundation and it's mission? Is this the Taylorcraft foundation?... or the Forrest foundation? As I read this thread, I find several folks offering to pitch in significant funds as a unified organization of people to do something for the preservation of this great aircraft. And I find Forrest speaking with a lot of "me" and "I" when referring to the foundation. So I question... What's this foundation's purpose?

      And speaking of deep pockets, I have been trying to find out if my membership dues that I paid online have ever been processed. I have my receipt from paypal and absolutely no acknowledgement from TOC or TF.

      I think I speak for a lot of folks to say that I am proud to owner of a Taylorcraft. And I hope I can be proud to belong to the Taylorcraft foundation and not just feeding someone's ego.
      Terry Bowden, formerly TF # 351
      Consultant D.E.R. Powerplant inst'l & Engines
      Vintage D.E.R. Structures, Electrical, & Mechanical Systems
      BC12D, s/n 7898, N95598
      weblog: Barnstmr's Random Aeronautics
      [email protected]


      • #63
        Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

        I think you will find that Forrest uses "I" for good reason. When the real work starts it always seems to be his rubber hitting the road. Sure, there are always (well, most of the time anyway) people helping, but the group ALWAYS includes, or consists of Forrest. Another heavy hitter for the Taylorcraft cause has been Bruce Bixler, and there are a few other names that come to mind but Forrest seems to ALWAYS be there to carry the load.
        My pockets aren't deep enough to make a significant dent in a purchase either, but I would be willing to do what I can. The problem with these things is that when the time to open wallets actually hits, there aren't that many wallets around to open. Forrest is just being a realist. If the rest of us think it is a good idea to buy the rights to Taylorcraft the next time it comes up, we need to have an idea of the cost well in advance, and have the money pledged up front. Before the offer is made to whoever is selling, the money needs to be in escrow with the legal Beagle who will be making the actual offer (should that be the legal Bassett Hound?).
        Somebody want to set it up? I'll buy some promisary shares. Personally I really hope Harry keeps Taylorcraft afloat. He needs our support. There are occasional slip-ups and people get mad, but I don't think a lot of us have any idea how hard it is to keep a company like this alive. It is a LOT of work, and EVERYONE hears when someone doesn't get a call back and very few listen when things go right. From an un-biased view it looks to me like Harry is really doing a pretty good job. I wouldn't want to have to sit in his seat. The one I sit in now is hot enough.


        • #64
          Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

          I think I speak for a lot of folks to say that I am proud to owner of a Taylorcraft. And I hope I can be proud to belong to the Taylorcraft foundation and not just feeding someone's ego.
          Terry Bowden
          Consultant D.E.R. Powerplant inst'l & Engines
          BC12D, s/n 7898, N95598
          Tick Hill Airfield (XA-47)

          You don't speak for me. The only ego being fed with that post is yours. Forrest is the backbone of this organization, but I'm sure he'd let you take over.


          • #65
            Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

            You are only out $10.00 or $15.00.
            So next years skip it and buy yourself two or three drinks.
            Let the foundation go on.
            "46" BC12D
            Fond du lac WI


            • #66
              Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

              I really don't think Terry was trying to come off sounding the way it could have been read. I have a feeling if Forrest HAD the kind of money to buy the company, he would be seriously tempted. Forrest DOES use "I" and "me" a lot when he is writing this stuff. I am just saying it is justified because it is mostly HIM that is doing the work. I didn't get the feeling that Terry was throwing rocks, he just may not have realized how MUCH Forrest does without any kind of compensation (and to be fair, what Harry does down in Texas for totally inadequate compensation). I couldn't walk in EITHER of their shoes.


              • #67
                Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                Laura spent two hours today catching up and we really did not find a Terry Bowden past or present member . Perhaps the magic of the pay pal did not work this time. Terry, e-mail me direct with the information on your payment. Bruce Bixler was in the office today and wanted to check his home for your membership Exactly when did you join, I have seen you on the discussion group for quite a while.

                We had three others with problems too, I think we got them on the right path. The Foundation is a valid entity controlled by a Board of Director's, when I use WE that is the Board speaking, ( not a mouse in my pocket) when I use I or me ; that is ME and my opinions.....I and my family have been involved with Taylorcraft since 1942, it has been my life.
                IF any Foundation members wish to come up with a valid plan to do all that retoric then have at it......THEY will have my support IF they have a plan. At the moment the TC is NOT FOR SALE.... Where was this group the last three times the TC went up for grabs... In MY opinion and several members ( probably many) the correct Taylorcraft to build would be the D Model at that TC may be up for grabs...
                Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                [email protected]


                • #68
                  Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                  I have reread the previous posts and checked Terry's profile, he says he joined Jan 2004, the new membership letter tells the purpose of the Foundation:: did you read it Terry? By the way the Owner's Club does not accept pay pal...

                  "The Taylorcraft Foundation is exclusively organized for charitable, educational & scientific purposes and
                  will preserve the history and technical information of the Taylorcraft airplanes. This Foundation is a chartered Ohio Corporation and has been granted IRS 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit, tax exempt, organization. "

                  We are doing just that mission. IF a group has a plan to present to the Board please feel free to do so. enough said thanks for the support from many of you and the phone calls & e-mails off list.
                  I have put in 16 hrs today, doing a re certification on a Fairchild 24, mowed two hours, Foundation about three hours, sold parts for two, flew two flights, dug out more of the L-2M project that I have sold to the fellow in Denver and got stuff out for the Foundation member that is dropping by tomorrow from 1 to 2:30PM...
                  Last edited by Forrest Barber; 08-30-2006, 19:01.
                  Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                  Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                  [email protected]


                  • #69
                    Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                    WELL SAID Forrest. I know that I have been gone for a LOOOONG time, but I'm up to my eyeballs in building the hanger house, And redrawing (with MSR. Mignet's permission), the plans for the HM360 Flying Flea. If THAT isn't enough, I'm restoring an HM 293 for a friend, AND trying to build a jig to repair the fuselage for Tee's BL65. WHEW!!!
                    As far as the sandwich issue goes, I grew up three blocks behind the Nathan's on Long Beach Road in Oceanside, N.Y. Make my hot dogs Hebrew National, And could SOMEONE PLEASE send me a loaf of LEVEY'S REAL Jewish rye?


                    • #70
                      Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                      I spoke with Diana Rivera at the factory this morning, checking on my parts order.

                      I didn't press her for details about the sheriff's sale, but she said "everything is coming back to the factory."

                      My parts order, however, is going to have to wait another two or three weeks, she said. Apparently, the Type Certificate says LaGrange, not Brownsville, so they can't ship any parts made in the new Brownsville factory until the Type Certificate is corrected. She said they've done everything on their end, and now it's in the FAA's hands. My and several other parts shipments are ready to go, she said, but have to wait for the Type Certificate paperwork to get straightened out.

                      Glad I'm not in a hurry, but I'm wishing them well.
                      Joel Severinghaus
                      Des Moines, Iowa
                      TF# 657


                      • #71
                        Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                        Of course , if Mr. Patrick bought it then he would bring it back!
                        The TC should have been changed immediately upon arrival in Brownsville, parts are not really built under the TC, they need to use a PMA program or an APIS, fellows tell me the "parts" they got and the "repairs" have been done many ways. I TOO wish they well, but you cannot balme the FAA if the proper procedures are not being followed. GOODNIGHT!
                        Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                        Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                        [email protected]


                        • #72
                          Terry's paypal payment


                          I checked the Foundation's paypal account and we did receive 2 payments from you on July 28th. For the TOC, and for the Owners club. Forrest has been pretty busy and just getting caught up with memberships, and the same for me. We are sorry to have left you in the dark for so many days, we work on Foundation requests and improvements in our spare time after work, family and all that other stuff that takes up the day.

                          I realise we are not as complete or clear on this process as we should be. In addition to the payment, there is a member information form for the Foundation, and a subscription/membership form for TOC to fill out and either fax, mail, or email in. The form is linked off the main Foundation page:

                          The Foundation does everything it can to support and assist the TOC, to that end we also take Paypal payments for them and settle up every month by passing membership forms, checks and a check from the Foundation to Bruce.
                          This arrangement with Paypal and TOC has been on a handshake basis and has worked out so far. I will check with Forrest to see if the Foundation wants to continue to do the payment handling for TOC.

                          I hope this answers your concern, feel free to Private Message me or contact me via email if you want to discuss this further.

                          Bob Ollerton


                          • #73
                            Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                            I have just returned from the "Factory" and the sale. If anyone has an ailplane in Brownsville or is considering doing any business with Harry Ingram, you might want to give me a call or email me.

                            Tom Garrick


                            • #74
                              Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                              If one is to run a club, company or union trying to please every body you better know the rules set by the directors.(or FAA. )Be able to find out and know what everybody want's, it is not easy as listen to all members singing at different tunes.
                              Either you become a dictator, or a finly tunes director
                              When you need to have the time and money to please everybody.
                              After all we all have to eat and drink, so work comes first, house 2nd, wife 3rd, ( can,t tell her what but God help you if the roof leaks ) Kids are 4th, and then comes the fun stuff, if you have any money left.
                              It is allways someone what is NOT going to get there will. ( the squicky wheel gets the grease
                              We all try to do our best, and if we stick togther we are strong. Help out when needed, the best you can, and the Taylorcraft foundation and will survive. Maybe even Harry and the factory.
                              Yes, it is a good Aircraft and lot of fun to fly.
                              I would like to say Thank You to all what helpt me getting started flying my bird.
                              I am Still learning so keep the pages comming!
                              All the hints and technical info on this website have been a great help.
                              Thank' s Len(;f (;f
                              I loved airplane seens I was a kid.
                              The T- craft # 1 aircraft for me.
                              Foundation Member # 712


                              • #75
                                Re: Factory Sherriff's sale

                                Thanks Len , I too love the new smilies even tho some find them distracting
                                thank you Bob Ollerton for the printout this morning on Pay Pal. I see that Terrys came in on July 28th I do believe that was during Air Venture, THEN I did not check things for two weeks.
                                Terry I really have not found your filled out application form.... Was that your first payment to the TOC & TF if so we needed the application form e-mailed or mailed. .
                                AND yes it was agreed at the meeting in July by the Directors that we would accept pay-pal through the Foundation and forward to Bruce Bixler at the Taylorcraft Owner's Club and will continue to do so... WE have had Five people use it since June2, 2006...Is it worth the aggrivation? Yes I think we should continue, but that decision is up to the Board of Directors.....I will put the Board of Directors minutes up on the discussion group ASAP. Stand by as it all shakes out!! thanks Bob for being on last night along with about 30 members lurking about out there.
                                here comes the rain...
                                Taylorcraft Foundation, Inc
                                Forrest A Barber 330-495-5447
                                [email protected]

