You know that little numbered fitting screwed into the right crankcase with the AD for the oil pressure line? It's got that tiny little drilled aperture to keep all your oil from draining out in flight if you spring a leak. Well, we need to buy one. Where, dear friends?
Also, we need the fitting between the oil screen and the oil temperature bulb at the accessory case. It's a diameter step-down, male on the oil screen side, female on the oil temperature bulb side. And I think it's pipe threads. Then we'll be close to firing up the rebuilt A-65 Continental, which I swear is more expensive to overhaul than an O-200.
Hank Jarrett, I haven't forgotten about you. Hey, you know those dainty little hubcaps are so thin you can form them, push the ancient dents out of them with your fingers. I'm going to send you these, you play with them for a year, then let me play with them for a year, then you have them permanent. OK?
Damn. Does the time fly or what? Hello to Forrest, Capt.Tim, Cannonball (Rob Werderich), Bill Bixler, and all the other swashbucklers.
Hey, Bill, I don't get the newsletter unless you add c/o Skyway Aviation to my address at Rutherford County Airport.
And if any of you swashbucklers come by KFQD I'll show you my beloved BC12-D and a PA-18 project I'm making a career out of. Bye and thanks. aka Larry Smith
Also, we need the fitting between the oil screen and the oil temperature bulb at the accessory case. It's a diameter step-down, male on the oil screen side, female on the oil temperature bulb side. And I think it's pipe threads. Then we'll be close to firing up the rebuilt A-65 Continental, which I swear is more expensive to overhaul than an O-200.
Hank Jarrett, I haven't forgotten about you. Hey, you know those dainty little hubcaps are so thin you can form them, push the ancient dents out of them with your fingers. I'm going to send you these, you play with them for a year, then let me play with them for a year, then you have them permanent. OK?
Damn. Does the time fly or what? Hello to Forrest, Capt.Tim, Cannonball (Rob Werderich), Bill Bixler, and all the other swashbucklers.
Hey, Bill, I don't get the newsletter unless you add c/o Skyway Aviation to my address at Rutherford County Airport.
And if any of you swashbucklers come by KFQD I'll show you my beloved BC12-D and a PA-18 project I'm making a career out of. Bye and thanks. aka Larry Smith