The wingtips are washed in or out by screwing the treaded plug at the outer end of the rear lift struts in or out, within the approx. 1" range of the slot. Screwing the plug t'ward the outer end of the slot lengthens the strut thereby washing the wingtip "out", screwing the plug t'ward the inner end of the slot does the opposite, shorten/wash in?
Is there a "correct" place to start? I started by washing them both "out" the limit and then raising the "heavy" wing by screwing the plug on the heavy side in enuf' to make the a/c fly wings level.
I've seen another T-craft that had the wingtips both washed "in" the limit & then apparently one side screwed out enuf' to level, is one way more "correct" than the other? Or should they be more in the middle of the adjustment range? Or does it matter?
John C. Saubak
1940 BC-65
ser #1770
Is there a "correct" place to start? I started by washing them both "out" the limit and then raising the "heavy" wing by screwing the plug on the heavy side in enuf' to make the a/c fly wings level.
I've seen another T-craft that had the wingtips both washed "in" the limit & then apparently one side screwed out enuf' to level, is one way more "correct" than the other? Or should they be more in the middle of the adjustment range? Or does it matter?
John C. Saubak
1940 BC-65
ser #1770