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Swedging tool for copper guides in trim cable guide block at tail.

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  • Swedging tool for copper guides in trim cable guide block at tail.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2972.jpeg
Views:	247
Size:	103.8 KB
ID:	191588Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2973.jpeg
Views:	144
Size:	152.7 KB
ID:	191589
    The trim cable had sawed the originals. 3/8" ductile refrigeration tubing appears to be identical to what was there. I squashed the tube in my vice to the shape of the opening in the Bakelite block and smoothed and polished the cut ends of the tube so they wouldn't split. just lightly tapped the tool into the opening from alternating directions while supporting the other side of a flat smooth hammer face(hammer clamped in vice)

    I would be glad to loan or share or pass on the tool.

    Some one should start an index of available loaner tools....

  • #2
    Looks really nice! I like the idea of a thread just for loaner tools. It has "kind of" been tried for the bungee tools but was a bit too informal and I know at least a couple of people who wanted to borrow mine have fallen through the cracks. A thread for JUST LOANING TOOLS would allow us to find those who needed or could loan the tools.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 303whitaker View Post
      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2972.jpeg
Views:	247
Size:	103.8 KB
ID:	191588Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2973.jpeg
Views:	144
Size:	152.7 KB
ID:	191589
      The trim cable had sawed the originals. 3/8" ductile refrigeration tubing appears to be identical to what was there. I squashed the tube in my vice to the shape of the opening in the Bakelite block and smoothed and polished the cut ends of the tube so they wouldn't split. just lightly tapped the tool into the opening from alternating directions while supporting the other side of a flat smooth hammer face(hammer clamped in vice)

      I would be glad to loan or share or pass on the tool.

      Some one should start an index of available loaner tools....
      Mine were round copper tubing per the drawing I have somewhere in my collection...
      '41 BC12-65

