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F19 landing gear needed

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  • F19 landing gear needed

    I have a 77 F19 and just found out my landing gear has corrosion and the repair will be about 2K per leg. I am in Anchorage and have not been able to find a better solution. Even a new pair on Univair would be more as I don't have tapered axles so they would need to be modified. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Are they the same as F22 gear? Tim..your view?


    • #3
      No they different I believe. I will double check on Monday.


      • #4
        I recall some work being done on the gear when it was in Fairbanks. Airframe Alterations worked on it...maybe rebushed the gear to fuselage connection? Not sure but Steve said something about the gear. Greg wanted to install hydraulic brakes but may not have done so. There's an outfit in the Valley making gear. Ask Airframes Alaska in Anchorage about who was making that product.

        What's wrong with the gear? Be specific please. There's a Taylorcraft and FAA notice on internal corrosion. Gear strut SAIB Ce-11-05.pdf

        Last edited by PA1195; 03-28-2020, 20:47.
        N36007 1941 BF12-65 STC'd as BC12D-4-85


        • #5
          They do have the internal corrosion described in the AD, not sure if the hole was clogged or ever corrected. There is also expansion due to water freezing in one or both. They are at Atlee and I am working with John Pratt. I get more specific details from John on Monday and will post. I'll contact Airframes Monday also. Thanks


          • #6
            Thanks Adam for the update and sorry to hear of your predicament. Atlee worked on my Taylorcraft gear for the previous owner...added some beef-up bracing and their work is as expected excellent. The gear in the Valley is, or was, not approved but very well done. Straight axles and standard or extended length.

            The problem I see with Taylorcraft gear is that it's open at the three tubing connections where the bungees wrap around. As such I believe it can accept moisture. Even if the lower drain is present eventually corrosion and scale particles can plug the small drain. In my case while on floats I tapped and turned and looked for rust, but found blowing shop air through the small drain and out the connection just mentioned was the most efficient way to test. On my 1941 tapered gear there's also a hole facing out above the axle base that potentially drains the two large tubing members of the gear where they join the axle. Have a look there for corrosion as it's large enough to make that visible.

            Best luck with the repairs and if not hope you find replacements.

            N36007 1941 BF12-65 STC'd as BC12D-4-85


            • #7
              Thanks Gary, I gave Atlee the ok Friday afternoon to repair them and add bracing. Just thought I would reach out and see what I could find. I definitely want them approved and will still follow up and try to get in touch with the folks in the valley. Thanks again for your help. I will hopefully fly my way up there this summer and look you up.


              • #8
                Your planned fix will work well Adam. If you can afford it have Atlee add the small cross tube to brace the diagonal - the lower to upper cluster tube - and some at the wheel to prevent twisting on skis. Cub gear typically has the lower stiffeners. My Taylorcraft is the last plane at the north end of the float pond - tan and red. I'm getting older and don't fly as much as i used to but hope to get on floats again this summer.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2116.jpeg
Views:	325
Size:	155.6 KB
ID:	186677

                N36007 1941 BF12-65 STC'd as BC12D-4-85


                • #9
                  Nice setup, financially it is tough but I might as well do it right. Plus I would like to get skis on it next winter. I will pass this along to them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Adamhere View Post
                    Nice setup, financially it is tough but I might as well do it right. Plus I would like to get skis on it next winter. I will pass this along to them.
                    Atlee's Repair Station did the gear work Ref. invoice #71809 8/8/2011. There's no appreciable twist to the axle on skis. The lower bolt for the wheel fenders remains intact. They now offer a clamp-on fueling step if needed.

                    Last edited by PA1195; 03-29-2020, 16:35.
                    N36007 1941 BF12-65 STC'd as BC12D-4-85


                    • #11
                      You will not find a better option than Atlee or cheaper. Its not a cub so dont expect cub prices...
                      '41 BC12-65


                      • #12
                        Well after speaking with Atlee they will not yellow tag the repairs so I order the tapered axel set from Univair. Atlee will convert to straight and add the bracing.


                        • #13
                          That's strange that they can't yellow tag their gear repairs. Their Repair Station did have Taylorcraft authority at one time. See page A003-1 (

                          Grove also sells tapered to straight axle adapters. There's previous FAA Form 337's around regarding the diagonal tube bracing. Times have changed and what was commonly done may not be now.

                          Edit: UNIVAIR owns AD so maybe that's a factor.

                          Last edited by PA1195; 04-02-2020, 21:03.
                          N36007 1941 BF12-65 STC'd as BC12D-4-85


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Adamhere View Post
                            Well after speaking with Atlee they will not yellow tag the repairs so I order the tapered axel set from Univair. Atlee will convert to straight and add the bracing.
                            Who needs the yellow tag? if it is welded good, reinstall and fly it!
                            '41 BC12-65


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PA1195 View Post
                              That's strange that they can't yellow tag their gear repairs. Their Repair Station did have Taylorcraft authority at one time. See page A003-1 (

                              Grove also sells tapered to straight axle adapters. There's previous FAA Form 337's around regarding the diagonal tube bracing. Times have changed and what was commonly done may not be now.

                              Edit: UNIVAIR owns AD so maybe that's a factor.

                              Univair owns what AD?
                              '41 BC12-65

