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Size of workshop

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  • Size of workshop

    Hello, I'm building a workshop behind my house for a variety of projects. One day I'd like to restore a Taylorcraft and I want the shop to be big enough.

    If I restore the wings first, and store them, then restore the fuselage separately and assemble the airplane at the airport. How

    large of a workshop would you suggest I build? Is there a layout that works better, i.e., workbench down one side of the building, or bench along rear wall, etc ...


  • #2
    plan on a 6' x 14' wing, you want at least 3' all the way around, so a 12x20 inside dimension for a minimum if you want room to move and that does not give you any room for anything else. I would also do a 10' ceiling and LED lighting, white painted floor and walls. I did my wings in a 20x24' garage with a cart, no bench.
    '41 BC12-65


    • #3
      My hangar is 60x60 with a 20x60 lean to that I do all but the assembly in. The lean to also has most of my woodworking tools and a bench down each side...and it's none too big. One thing I've learned, building a few different shops.....they're never too big!
      I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead


      • #4

        BlueRidge, I rebuilt my Taylorcraft in an 8ft-wide garage, 8ft high, but 36ft long (so like a "tandem" garage"). I could obviously only work on one item at a time, but it can be done in a residential street.

        I have since rebuilt several accident-damaged Pitts Specials in the same garage, and also a Putzer Elster, each wing is 21 feet long.

        In answer, build as large as you can afford/have the ground for.

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