I see there is some talk about TQ in the recent ADS-B thread. I thought I'd start a thread about them. Like Drude, I also talked to them at SnF (wish I'd known you were there!) They are a German group that caters to glider folks - so they specialize in compact stuff with low power consumption. I believe they used to be Dittel - or purchased Dittel. They have a small transponder and ADS-B solution. I didn't get too much info on that because currently my plan is to be battery-only and avoid the requirement for a transponder and ADS-B. I'm based at an airpark that's under the Memphis Class B - but it's really not that busy here other than FedEx's pushes. I have ADS-B out and in for my Bonanza. It's really nice, but I think a portable ADS-B in will satisfy me on the Tcraft. We'll see.
Of more interest to me was their small com radio the KRT2 that includes a built-in intercom. It was $1040 at the show. I'm trying to decide which radio I'd like. I have a neighbor who had an MGL v6 that he liked a lot. Trig makes the TY91. Looks nice, but it's a separate control head and box, so more wiring work. I haven't heard a lot of good things about the Micro-Air.
Any of you have experience with these comms? What about TQ/Dittel? Also feel free to discuss their transponder and ADS-B stuff in this thread.
Of more interest to me was their small com radio the KRT2 that includes a built-in intercom. It was $1040 at the show. I'm trying to decide which radio I'd like. I have a neighbor who had an MGL v6 that he liked a lot. Trig makes the TY91. Looks nice, but it's a separate control head and box, so more wiring work. I haven't heard a lot of good things about the Micro-Air.
Any of you have experience with these comms? What about TQ/Dittel? Also feel free to discuss their transponder and ADS-B stuff in this thread.