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Taylorcraft matchbooks and pin

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  • Taylorcraft matchbooks and pin

    Thought I would share a find I finally "found".

    Taylorcraft used matchbooks for advertising and I have seen two types. One is to present at your dealer in addition to $1 for a $2 ride. The other is to send away to Taylorcraft for a pin. I have some matchbooks with the red over black paint scheme and seen one with the Blue, Yellow stripe. (which the post office lost, so I don't have one).

    I had never even seen a pin except for a photo in the Smithsonian Institution museum, but finally got one and luckily in good condition. The Taylorcraft logo was bright blue paint, but faded now. However with a flash got the color to pop.

    I can see why these are rare as they are so tiny you would lose them in an instant.

    Photos attached.

    Enjoy, Mark

    Click image for larger version

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    Attached Files
    1945 BC12-D
    N39911, #6564

  • #2
    Yes, amazingly tiny. Now I am wondering where mine is..............

    TF #596
    1946 BC-12D N95258
    Former owner of:
    1946 BC-12D/N95275
    1943 L-2B/N3113S


    • #3
      My pin is slightly different. I need to dig it out and take a photo. Two chest stabbers on the back and a slight lip around the perimeter.



      • #4
        I have a matchbook with the yellow and black scheme that our airplane is painted...
        Ryan Newell
        1946 BC12D NC43754
        1953 15A N23JW


        • #5
          Hank and Ryan, please post photos of yours. It is cool trivia plus if all the members know what to look for might keep it from getting lost forever.

          Cool, Ryan you found a "match" to your paint scheme. Doubt I'll find a White/Green one. lol.

          Thanks, Mark
          1945 BC12-D
          N39911, #6564


          • #6
            Got mine in one of the boxes and am looking for it. DID just find the drawings of the different "D" window frames, just need to find the thread looking for them again. I REALLY need to get all my mess organized!


