Thought I would share a find I finally "found".
Taylorcraft used matchbooks for advertising and I have seen two types. One is to present at your dealer in addition to $1 for a $2 ride. The other is to send away to Taylorcraft for a pin. I have some matchbooks with the red over black paint scheme and seen one with the Blue, Yellow stripe. (which the post office lost, so I don't have one).
I had never even seen a pin except for a photo in the Smithsonian Institution museum, but finally got one and luckily in good condition. The Taylorcraft logo was bright blue paint, but faded now. However with a flash got the color to pop.
I can see why these are rare as they are so tiny you would lose them in an instant.
Photos attached.
Enjoy, Mark

Taylorcraft used matchbooks for advertising and I have seen two types. One is to present at your dealer in addition to $1 for a $2 ride. The other is to send away to Taylorcraft for a pin. I have some matchbooks with the red over black paint scheme and seen one with the Blue, Yellow stripe. (which the post office lost, so I don't have one).
I had never even seen a pin except for a photo in the Smithsonian Institution museum, but finally got one and luckily in good condition. The Taylorcraft logo was bright blue paint, but faded now. However with a flash got the color to pop.
I can see why these are rare as they are so tiny you would lose them in an instant.
Photos attached.
Enjoy, Mark