Everyone is invited to the West Coast Taylorcraft Rendezvous, May 24-26 (Memorial Day Weekend) at Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9) just a few miles north of Hollister, Calif.
Frazier Lake is a grass strip 2500 feet by 100 feet wide.... we also have a water runway if you want to use it. Camping in the grass next to your aircraft is OK and we have showers. If you want to stay at a local motel we will provide transportation.
We have invited Don Carr to speak at our get together Saturday night. Don's dad was a Taylorcraft dealer in Alaska in the late 1930's and 40's and he has a lot of great stories to tell. I'm sure you will find it very interesting. We are planning a movie night after the barbecue dinner Friday night. A flour bombing event is also planned for Friday or Saturday afternoon if there is interest. A fly-out for lunch is also being planned for Saturday. The plan is to just hang out and have a little fun together.
Since Hollister (7 miles south of Frazier Lake) is having their fly-in/airshow that weekend... we could if there is interest fly over as a group and spend Sunday at the fly-in/airshow and return to Frazier Lake or head home after the airfield is open for departures. Let's talk about this and see what people think.
Let me know that you are coming so that we can plan for food for Friday and Saturday dinner. I hope to see you there!
Jerry Impellezzeri
[email protected]
Frazier Lake is a grass strip 2500 feet by 100 feet wide.... we also have a water runway if you want to use it. Camping in the grass next to your aircraft is OK and we have showers. If you want to stay at a local motel we will provide transportation.
We have invited Don Carr to speak at our get together Saturday night. Don's dad was a Taylorcraft dealer in Alaska in the late 1930's and 40's and he has a lot of great stories to tell. I'm sure you will find it very interesting. We are planning a movie night after the barbecue dinner Friday night. A flour bombing event is also planned for Friday or Saturday afternoon if there is interest. A fly-out for lunch is also being planned for Saturday. The plan is to just hang out and have a little fun together.
Since Hollister (7 miles south of Frazier Lake) is having their fly-in/airshow that weekend... we could if there is interest fly over as a group and spend Sunday at the fly-in/airshow and return to Frazier Lake or head home after the airfield is open for departures. Let's talk about this and see what people think.
Let me know that you are coming so that we can plan for food for Friday and Saturday dinner. I hope to see you there!
Jerry Impellezzeri
[email protected]