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WTB Full Round Yokes

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  • WTB Full Round Yokes

    I am looking for a set of full round yokes for a ‘40.
    1938 BF50 NC20407
    1940 BC NC27599

  • #2
    Would you be interested in a kit if I had some made up? I need a couple, and have been thinking about having some rims rolled and making new ones.


    • #3
      Depending on price, yes!
      1938 BF50 NC20407
      1940 BC NC27599


      • #4
        Have you tried Mike Redpath? At one time he said he had some o.h.
        Bill Fife
        BL12-65 '41 Deluxe Under (s-l-o-w) Restoration


        • #5
          Tom, I would be interested in some pieces to fix my cut wheels if you go through with it. I bought a prewar wheel the other day but it must be a later wheel as the diameter of the tubing is bigger than an A model.


          • #6
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Ring.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	103.7 KB
ID:	196318 I will get there, but I'm not there yet. I ordered 10 rings to be made, and they showed up with 10.75 radius instead of diameter. They said they would make it right, but a couple days later they called, and their machine would only roll to 11.5 diameter. I ordered a tool from England, and will form them myself. I completed the ring on one of the incorrect parts. The tubing was already squished during forming, so it didn't set in the dies quite right. It left a ridge around the rings. I think it will be okay with virgin tubing.

            I tried to form some spokes from 4130, but I am getting some cracking on the smaller radius. I will need to do some more experimenting with these. Click image for larger version  Name:	wheel.jpg Views:	0 Size:	44.2 KB ID:	196317
            Last edited by 3Dreaming; 10-15-2024, 07:03.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 3Dreaming View Post
              Click image for larger version  Name:	Ring.jpg Views:	25 Size:	103.7 KB ID:	196318 I will get there, but I'm not there yet. I ordered 10 rings to be made, and they showed up with 10.75 radius instead of diameter. They said they would make it right, but a couple days later they called, and their machine would only roll to 11.5 diameter. I ordered a tool from England, and will form them myself. I completed the ring on one of the incorrect parts. The tubing was already squished during forming, so it didn't set in the dies quite right. It left a ridge around the rings. I think it will be okay with virgin tubing.

              I tried to form some spokes from 4130, but I am getting some cracking on the smaller radius. I will need to do some more experimenting with these. Click image for larger version Name:	wheel.jpg Views:	0 Size:	44.2 KB ID:	196317
              I have a bunch of old bent jury struts to make the spokes out of if your interested. Only reason I have been saving them.


              • #8
                I made some out of mild steel that didn't Crack. The profile is not quite yet. We are going to adjust the dies to try and get the profile right. If that doesn't work, then I will be in touch.


                • #9
                  I bought two B model wheels last week that were cut. The 3/4 diameter tubing doesn’t seem to flatten like the early A wheels with the 5/8 tubing. Assuming that’s maybe why they upped the diameter to fix that problem that seems to be the nature of the beast.

