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BC12-D trim system parts needed

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  • BC12-D trim system parts needed

    Folks-We are in need of some trim system components for our BC12-D. Specifically, we need the trim handle, the indicator and the pulley/shaft that mounts behind the windshield. Someone must have spares?
    We have the fitting, welded onto the cabin cross-member, but the small parts are missing. Thank you!
    John Bergeson
    Rhome, Texas

  • #2
    John, some of the parts are fairly easy to get from the same folks who sold them to Taylor. The trim handle is a pre war car window winder handle and the chrome (or Nickel) plate above it is a plumbing pipe escuscion (spelling"). You will need to take the shaft with you as the hole will be different sizes for different pipes. The phenolic pulley is the same as many other pulleys but has a small notch filed in it for the pin in the shaft. I have a drawing for the trim indicator plate and several other parts but the problem one is the shaft. You will need to turn one on a laith and you will need a knurling tool for the part that goes through the pulley. Click image for larger version

Name:	Trim parts drawing-1.jpg
Views:	232
Size:	166.1 KB
ID:	195137


    • #3
      This is the shaft but I will need to take some measurements if you don't find one. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0003 (2).jpg
Views:	232
Size:	137.6 KB
ID:	195139 Click image for larger version

Name:	015.jpg
Views:	233
Size:	155.8 KB
ID:	195140


      • #4
        Go to The part # for the handle is A-702780-C ,the part # for the escutcheon is A-48139-A Another place would be WWW.BRATTONS.COM PART # 30760 and 31070 or 31080 All from a 1931 Town Sedan Model A Ford Car.


        • #5
          The handle is the easy part. We are missing the drive pulley and all the little indicator bits... 'May end up machining them...


          • #6
            John I will check and see what parts I have.


            • #7
              George-I'd sure appreciate that. We ended up with a pretty good project, but we are missing some stuff... The wood bits and pieces that form the cabin structure behind the windshield...and the trim bits that
              attach to the fitting on the cabin crossmember. Thank you for looking!
              John Bergeson


              • #8
                Finding more bits and pieces. Most of the wood parts are damaged or rotted but good for dimensions and making new ones. Got all the actual trim system parts now and doing some dimension sketches tomorrow. I am hoping there is a way to machine the shaft from a standard bolt. If you can find one I would bet it will be less expensive than machining a bolt down.


