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Outboard leading edge skin needed!

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  • Outboard leading edge skin needed!

    I'm working on fixing a Taylorcraft that came into our shop, with a damaged leading edge. We need the outboard leading edge skin on the left wing that's curved. They aren't being made or sold anywhere. Does anyone know of someone who has a parts pile they're selling that has one we could buy? The phone number here is 605-256-9774. You could also call or text me at 661-864-9883. Thank you!

  • #2
    Perhaps find a classic automobile panel-beater to make new (that's what I did when I wanted a new nosebowl for my BC12-D). They have the English wheel skills to make each half and then weld them together in the soft aluminium. Not necessarily cheap, but they will be perfect, if you have even a beaten-up pattern to work from.



    • #3
      Yes. I heard that from another person. But, my boss said he charges $100/hr for maintenance, and he's trying to save the guy who owns it a bunch of money. So I'll keep looking for someone who has one. Thanks for the info, though! I'm sure if something ever happens to mine, that's what I'd do!


      • #4
        I have these in the hangar. Most need some work and there are two more on my parts wings that will be a bit of a problem getting to. As you can see ALL of them need some work. Some are about as bad as what you have now. DO NOT TOSS THE ONES YOU HAVE!!! They are very repairable and if I have a set that will work I would want to get your damaged ones back to repair for the next plane that needs them. Click image for larger version

Name:	008.JPG
Views:	72
Size:	88.1 KB
ID:	190875


        • #5
          When I rebuilt my 1946 BC-12D, I was amazed by the amount of aluminium spot-welding that was used back then. My doors, and these wing-tip pieces spot-welded together. Another example of some clever work by C G Taylor and Jack Gilberti to reduce production times & cost.


          • #6
            Now THAT is some pretty metal work!!!! Rob, do you have any idea what your planes original N number and serial number was? I would like to add a lot of your photos to my database and it is sorted by N number (I keep the current regestration too, but the SN shows where a plane was in the production line)

            Last edited by Hank Jarrett; 05-28-2021, 05:54.


            • #7
              Hank: These were the original wing tips as I received the aircraft in 1991 (imported to the UK 1989).
              It had some accident damage in its US history (as most do!); Linky:

              All I did during my work to the wingtips was to do some minor amateur hammering repairs, then to fill in the dents with Poly-Fiber Super-fil (the blue stuff...similar to microballoons).

              Constructors No 7299, N43640



              • #8
                If you wish to see some pretty metal work: Linky

                An acquaintance of mine in the next village rebuilds very valuable motor cars ( as in the one to two million dollar range). He did not do my nosebowl & lower cowl, I could not afford his rates, but he did recommended where I had them done a few miles away.


