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Lycoming O145 Fire Rings

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  • Lycoming O145 Fire Rings

    In dire need of a set of Fire Ring Crush Gaskets for my 1941 Lycoming O145 B2 on my BL65. Been looking online, got some leads from some other forums, nothing yet. Working with Olsons for the head gaskets but they don't have the rings. They are looking at a work around.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Keep us updated. Several of us looking for Lyc stuff. I’m looking for exhaust system and baffling for closed cowl 1940


    • #3
      Originally posted by charliestith View Post
      In dire need of a set of Fire Ring Crush Gaskets for my 1941 Lycoming O145 B2 on my BL65. Been looking online, got some leads from some other forums, nothing yet. Working with Olsons for the head gaskets but they don't have the rings. They are looking at a work around.

      Thanks in advance.
      What is a fire ring?

      Dave R


      • #4
        It is a large copper crush gasket that is part of the head gasket assembly.


        • #5
          WHAT!!!! I thought it was when we went into the woods naked and danced around a fire to keep our planes safe from possession!

          Now I am REALLY embarrassed!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hank Jarrett View Post
            WHAT!!!! I thought it was when we went into the woods naked and danced around a fire to keep our planes safe from possession!

            Now I am REALLY embarrassed!!
            Let me know when you are going to the woods to dance a round. I want to make sure I'm no where near there.


            • #7
              DEAL!! Never again. ;-)


              • #8
                Originally posted by 3Dreaming View Post
                It is a large copper crush gasket that is part of the head gasket assembly.
                Oh, I was aware of that part and never heard of it called a fire ring.

                I recall within the last ten years finding a company that made crush gaskets that were the same size.

                Pretty sure that the search was for someone on this forum.

                Search for MS35769 dash 80's and 90's are in the 3" and 4" range, I found some but you need the o.d. and i.d.

                Dave R

                p.s. SkyGeek has 4-1/4" ones
                Last edited by Guest; 12-05-2019, 05:20.


                • #9
                  When my first new cyl head was installed the shop entered it as a "CA" gasket. CA = Copper Asbestos.
                  Bill Fife
                  BL12-65 '41 Deluxe Under (s-l-o-w) Restoration

