Greetings old friends from the T-craft universe, it's been a while. I hope you're all well. (Yes I'm still suffering from the emotional and intellectual disabilities of owning and flying a Cessna nosedragger, but life is somewhat OK other than that
Sold over 400 of my little EZ Flap units since 2009. Not part of the disgusting filthy rich one percent of American wealth just quite yet, but the product has paid for my old 172 a couple of times )
I happened to run across this ad on the local Craigslist, for a Taylor Bird homebuilt project. I figured someone on the Taylorcraft forum might be interested in keeping CG's legacy up to date and completing this interesting project. The photos show it as being about 3/4 complete. I hope one of you guys (or gals) gets this project, it deserves to fly. Be the star of any Taylorcraft fly-in for sure !
I noticed that I had a few private forum messages regarding the no-weld skylight mod I did many years ago. I believe I had sent these drawings and documents to Forrest Barber (or perhaps Rob Lees), to distribute to any interested parties. If these drawings and documents are not i n the "public domain" in the T-craft world, please let me know and I will provide them to the Foundation, or the Club, or to the archives of this forum. I am GLAD to contribute these drawings and whatever instructional documents to the T-craft community. I thought I had put them in the archives years ago... can someone figure out if they are or are not publicly available? Rob, do you want to be the keeper of these documents as part of your archives?
Best wishes to all,
Bill Berle victorbravo -at- sbcglobal /dot/ net
Victor Bravo / EZ Flap / BooRay
Greetings old friends from the T-craft universe, it's been a while. I hope you're all well. (Yes I'm still suffering from the emotional and intellectual disabilities of owning and flying a Cessna nosedragger, but life is somewhat OK other than that

I happened to run across this ad on the local Craigslist, for a Taylor Bird homebuilt project. I figured someone on the Taylorcraft forum might be interested in keeping CG's legacy up to date and completing this interesting project. The photos show it as being about 3/4 complete. I hope one of you guys (or gals) gets this project, it deserves to fly. Be the star of any Taylorcraft fly-in for sure !
I noticed that I had a few private forum messages regarding the no-weld skylight mod I did many years ago. I believe I had sent these drawings and documents to Forrest Barber (or perhaps Rob Lees), to distribute to any interested parties. If these drawings and documents are not i n the "public domain" in the T-craft world, please let me know and I will provide them to the Foundation, or the Club, or to the archives of this forum. I am GLAD to contribute these drawings and whatever instructional documents to the T-craft community. I thought I had put them in the archives years ago... can someone figure out if they are or are not publicly available? Rob, do you want to be the keeper of these documents as part of your archives?
Best wishes to all,
Bill Berle victorbravo -at- sbcglobal /dot/ net
Victor Bravo / EZ Flap / BooRay