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Eismann magnetos for sale

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  • Eismann magnetos for sale

    Cleaning out the hangar and found two Eismann AM4 mags and a box of parts. I took the mags off my Taylorcraft in the late 1980s and installed a set of Slicks. Mags were working fine at that time. Make me an offer.
    . Click image for larger version

Name:	eisman 1.jpg
Views:	111
Size:	101.8 KB
ID:	180020Click image for larger version

Name:	eisman 2.jpg
Views:	112
Size:	102.4 KB
ID:	180021

  • #2
    Hi Garry,

    I love Eisemann mags. My problem is they are HEAVY and shipping is expensive to the UK. Please don't throw them away (apart from that green coil ...that will most likely be scrap). I'll see if I can send you a Private Message.



    • #3
      Got to agree with Rob. I love my Eisemanns! I am a "bit" closer in Virginia Beach but also have to agree with Rob that they are HEAVY! I have boxes of parts for them and have rebuilt several (I rebuild them and then send them to a repair shop for an "Inspect And Repair As Necessary" to make them "legal"). They seem to be pretty bullet proof but some parts are getting really hard to find and I could REALLY use the original overhaul tools for things like winding the impulse starter if anyone has them. If anyone wants to take one apart be really careful. They are NOT easy to put back together without the right tools! If anyone has Eisemann parts or especially tools I am interested. Anyone else who is rebuilding them I would like to hear from.
      Gary, if no one else wants them let me know and I will see if I can put them back together.....but I REALLY don't look forward to rewinding those springs without the special tools! The non-impulse ones are easier but the main shafts are not interchangeable.



      • #4
        Rewinding the impulse springs is easy...the principle is the same for Slick ones...just takes a bit of practice.


        • #5
          Rob Private Message sent.

          There aren't enough parts there to assemble a mag. Back in the late 1960s and early 70s I rebuilt quite a few Eisemann mags without using the 15 to 20 special tools listed in the OH manual. With a couple of pullers and bearing drivers we had in the shop the overhaul was pretty easy. And like Rob stated, rewinding the impulse spring becomes easy after a couple of tries.


          • #6
            Yea, but was SO HARD to get the blood out the first time!


