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Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

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  • #16
    Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

    I will tell you this, the Swick company and all the rights have been sold, I have flown the prototype that has numerous changes and I will attempt to attach a picture (a picture's worth a thousand words, right?)


    • #17
      Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

      File size will not allow me to post picture but anyone desiring a picture email me at and I will send one. (I'm a little more familiar with my own email program)


      • #18
        Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

        Did the new ailerons ever get the bugs worked out? I designed a 30% symmetrical aileron similar to the new Pitts. For simplicity's sake I retained the original design with spades. I still have the data- Steve Wolf helped me with it. If you want it I'll be glad to pass it along.
        Eric Minnis
        Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
        Clipwing Tcraft x3

        Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


        • #19
          Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

          Ah ha PETE, Thank you I did not see your name buried in the profile on my first time checking...Also you can tell we also have had some for lack of a better word "bad no name types dropping "bovine stuff" on this site from time to time.

          Welcome to youand heck yes we also DO welcome good information !!!

          Thanks for sharing thie pictures. I will be e mailing you in a moment. I am in process with a clip wing as we speak...well as soon as the BabyAce flys sooo should I say later this year!!!!



          • #20
            Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

            When I flew it the ailerons were wonderfull, light with good roll rate. I think the old wing rolled a little faster because the span was less, but not much faster.

            The ailerons are symetrical hinged at 30% with the servo tab. My feeling is go to spades or a balance panel at the tip for ease of construction but I'm not in charge.

            I think bottom line is you'll be able to get whatever wing or aileron you want. It's really neat to be able to buy parts or a kit to cut down on the building time.

            What was wrong with the ailerons before?
            Last edited by 080892; 02-21-2007, 16:45.


            • #21
              Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

              Mike had tried a near full span set up that had a really narrow chord. According to him it did not work well at all. Per my old NACA engineering reports ailerons don't work well that close to the fuse- that and the narrow chord is probably why. On my project I dropped the wing down to 12' with 8' ailerons similar to the Swick plans. I took the rib spacing and crunced the numbers- I came up with everythng being on 12" centers. This did drop the rib count from 16 to 13 but still acceptable even with the big lycomings. I am using wood ribs and a wood leading edge though so the leading edge collapse that has happened on a few should not be as problem. I am not using a boost tab- I'll use spades. When I had my Swick I slaved the boost tabs and flew it and could not tell a difference. I had a Cole with spades and it was a little lighter and felt better- did not roll any faster though.
              Eric Minnis
              Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
              Clipwing Tcraft x3

              Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


              • #22
                Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                I am using 12 wings and the ORGINAL Ailerons with the eliptical tips. What say you? Is this also too close to the fuselage. I believe this is close to the Howard planes that are around......?



                • #23
                  Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                  Jim, that's what I'm planning as well. I'm using the Swick wing drawing with the exception of staying with the stock ailerons and tips. The only big change required appears to be shortening the outboard drag bay.

                  I've called Mike Swick whenever I had an inkling to do something a little different than the plans & his usual reply was, "you could do that", but he did advise against retaining the stock tip. His reasoning is that it slows the roll rate, but the stock aileron has 9" more span than the Swick. I think that should offset some of it. Am I wrong?

                  I'd sure like to see some pics of the new & improved machine.


                  • #24
                    Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit


                    Does the new airplane have the 18" span reduction on the horizontal & elevators?


                    • #25
                      Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                      Eric, if you are using wood leading edge I would suggest that you bend the leading edge wood across the grain and use a full "D" section. The L-2 does this with spacers between ribs. It makes a brutally strong assembly. If you run the grain paralell to the spar it has a tendency to scallop between ribs. I learned this the hard way. Dick
                      TF #10


                      • #26
                        Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                        Dick- that is exactly what I did. The spar is capped and the leading edge makes a D section- just like all the model airplanes I used to build. It is brutally strong but you had better have it straight when you glue it on. I used a laser to keep it perfect. Parallel grain has not been an issue yet but I am only using 12" rib spacing. With the stock spacing I'm sure it would scallop a bit. I did not use any false ribs.

                        Jim- NACA reports from the 30's say that ailerons that extends to the inner 25% of span should be avioded. If you have a 12' wing and 8' aileron that should be fine. I think it is that the efficiency of that section of aileron is not worth the loss of efficiency of the wing surface that could be there. I know Pitts, Extra etc use some full span stuff but they have a totally different purpose- those are for aileron control at zero airspeed. . . . or aileron control from propblast. I do not think our little planes would benefit from that one ;-)
                        Eric Minnis
                        Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
                        Clipwing Tcraft x3

                        Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


                        • #27
                          Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                          It does have the reduced span on the horizontal. It is also airfoil shaped, that makes a big difference!


                          • #28
                            Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                            I agree the servos don't do near as much as the spades


                            • #29
                              Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                              Eric, how big do the spades need to be on the clip wing? Kevin's airplane is getting a set. Tom


                              • #30
                                Re: Clip Wing Weld in Component Kit

                                For his style ailerons I would think 8"x8" would be fine. That is what I had on my Cole. Make sure you have the ability to adjust them over a fairly wide range for the right feel. I would make them similar to those used on a Pitts. The ones used on a Citabria ir too big.
                                Eric Minnis
                                Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
                                Clipwing Tcraft x3

                                Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.

