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N48548 serial# 0-4244

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  • N48548 serial# 0-4244

    I found my first project!
    The gentleman I bought it from says it has been in his possesion since the mid '70s.
    Log books go from '45-'73. I am assuming they are complete because the engine instruments are wrapped in newspaper from the mid '70s.
    Logs show it lived in Nevada, MO most of its flying days and Festus Aviation took care of it.
    Any additional info would be nice. Any help on getting some militay records would be great also.

  • #2
    Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

    Way cool Nick!
    I found my first project in Lonoke and kept it at Fulmer Field and later at Cabot.
    We are looking forward to photos and progress reports.
    Best Regards,
    Mark Julicher


    • #3
      Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

      Nick....Don't forget to order a copy of the records from the FAA registry site.
      T.F.# 1086


      • #4
        Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

        Congratulations on your purchase, I notice from your N number it was manufactured in 1942 and is a model DCO-65. I also have a project tail number N43178 which is a BC12-D and manufactured in February of 1946. I wonder how they assigned tail numbers back then, they must have jumped around? I always assumed they went in ascending order but our two planes proves my assumption wrong.

        Good luck on your project
        Last edited by Richh2only; 03-01-2012, 09:02. Reason: double signature
        Richard Herzberger
        N43178 Foundation # 1072


        • #5
          Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

          If anyone knows how to recover your planes records from the war years I would love to know. My paperwork shows absolutely NOTHING from the date in very early 1942 when the Government "appropriated" her to August 1945 when they sold her back out of bondage. The rumor is she was used by the CAP on coastal patrols for subs around the Chesapeake Bay.
          Is there a CAP or CPTP archive somewhere we can search?


          • #6
            Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

            My J3 Cub has many documents, 337's, Inspection reports, etc from when the Defense Plant Corp had her from 1943 to all came on the disc from's something at least. It was used for cadet pilot training....and there are many repair records during that time. Replaced wing tip bows, struts, spliced spars (3 times)..must have been some rough cadets??? Then it went to Ohio for CAP training...was painted blue with yellow wings.


            • #7
              Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

              Hank, I wonder if you couldn't get ahold of someone in the restoration department at Wright Patterson? From what I remember, they were telling me they had access to about anything you could imagine....but that was a few years ago. I'm sure somewhere there still has to be records and with the FIA, it would seem they'd be accessible?
              I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead


              • #8
                Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

                I have the CD from the FAA and it goes blank from December 41 to August 44. The Wright Patterson lead could be promising. Does anyone have a contact there? I know the government keeps copies of just about EVERYTHING so I am betting there are records out there somewhere, I just need to find a lead to where they are.


                • #9
                  Re: N48548 serial# 0-4244

                  I'd say almost anyone that's in the restoration department there could help, or at least might be able to point you in the right direction. When I taught a paint class there, about 12 years ago, our contact was named "Geno"...and of course I can't remember his last name...a bunch of help that is, huh! They were all a great bunch, and were very willing to help others at that's quite the volunteer network as well, so I'd be that if you went through the AirForce museum, you might be able to get to someone that could help.
                  I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead

