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Yearly Dementia Test

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  • Yearly Dementia Test

    Our Yearly Dementia Test

    It's that time of year for us to take our annual senior citizen test.
    Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles. As we grow older, it's important to keep mentally alert. If you don't use it, you lose it!
    Below is a very private way to gauge how your memory compares to the last test. Some may think it is too easy but the ones with memory problems may have difficulty. Take this test to determine if you're losing it or not.
    The spaces below are so you don't see the answers until after you've answered them.
    OK, relax, clear your mind and begin.

    1. What do you put in a toaster?

    Answer: 'bread.' If you said 'toast' give up now and do something else.
    Try not to hurt yourself.

    If you said, bread, go to Question 2.

    2. Say 'silk' five times. Now spell 'silk.' What do cows drink?

    Answer: Cows drink water. If you said 'milk' don't attempt the next question. Your brain is over-stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading a more appropriate literature such as Auto World.
    However, if you said 'water', proceed to question 3.

    3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from?

    Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said 'green bricks,' why are you still reading these???
    If you said 'glass,' go on to Question 4.

    4. Without using a calculator - You are driving a bus from London to
    Milford Haven in Wales . In London , 17 people get on the bus.
    In Reading , 6 people get off the bus and 9 people get on.
    In Swindon , 2 people get off and 4 get on.
    In Cardiff , 11 people get off and 16 people get on.
    In Swansea , 3 people get off and 5 people get on.
    In Carmathen, 6 people get off and 3 get on.
    You then arrive at Milford Haven.

    Without scrolling back to review, how old is the bus driver?

    Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!
    Don't you remember your own age?
    It was YOU driving the bus!!

    If you pass this along to your friends, pray they do better than you.

    PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!!

  • #2
    Re: Yearly Dementia Test

    Had to be a shrink that came up with those. Pretty funny. Much like a text version of the magician trade. Distraction. I particularly like the "don't use a calculator" trick. Clever.
    Last edited by flyguy; 01-02-2011, 10:13.


    • #3
      Re: Yearly Dementia Test

      One can make the deduction that the test was contrived by a university professor, probably teaching the general education required classes.

      This professor is probably one of the uber liberal new generation culturally aware elete.

      How can you tell? Well, having spent 40 years as a faculty member of various institutions of 13th through 17th grades one, can easily recognize scholars of the "pop culture", "minority studies", "art therapy- a program which I started", "sports philosophy" and the like. Typically, these scholars who are full of themselves,who strive to stun their students with their brilliance but at the same time reveal their general lack of common knowledge. An example would be:
      A green house is house which is green.
      A greenhouse is a house constructed of windows.

      Sadly that ruins the funny part of the test.
      Ron C


      • #4
        Re: Yearly Dementia Test

        Deleted due to my failure to read the previous reply correctly.
        Last edited by flyguy; 01-02-2011, 18:32.


        • #5
          Re: Yearly Dementia Test

          LOL,I passed every question without cheating....woo hoo!
          Kevin Mays
          West Liberty,Ky


          • #6
            Re: Yearly Dementia Test

            I think what he is saying is a lot of "intellectuals" think they are so much smarter than the "unwashed masses" that they missed it that a green house is a house that is green. A greenhouse (one word) is a house with glass walls.
            I unfortunately have to work with a LOT of these self proclaimed geniuses who can write a thesis on almost anything, but can't seem to DO much of anything. The top leadership in most of our governmental technology centers has put so much emphasis on publishing to get ahead that most have forgotten how to actually accomplish the missions. Almost all of the FUN stuff is done by contractors, who are the first to get laid off so they can preserve themselves. Once they are all alone, they don't know how to do the job any more. It's really sad.

            Oh well, we can always rent rides from the Russians.


            • #7
              Re: Yearly Dementia Test

              Well there you go. I read right past the distinction that he was making of two words compared to to one word. Duh.

              Now that I consider it, I think I just proved my point. When something is distracting some of us just tend to roar on down the road right into the concrete abutment. I was thinking about it in the context of what he had written above that and not the distinction of the word separation. Totally didn't think about/notice the difference in the word arrangement.

              What I meant about the magician thing is that they use distraction as a method of keeping us from seeing what they are actually doing.

              I just see the thing as a clever little bit that shows the fallibility of the way the human mind works even on simple things.
              Last edited by flyguy; 01-02-2011, 18:34.


              • #8
                Re: Yearly Dementia Test

                I always enjoy a good magic act. My wife does too, if she can get me to stay quiet and not tell her the trick. Every magic trick consists of three parts, the Pledge, the Turn and the Prestige. If you understand how the three parts work it is a lot easier to figure out the trick. What I enjoy is figuring it out, while she likes to be taken in by the trick. After it ends, she always wants to know if I figured it out.
                There was a great movie called The Prestige based on a book from the mid 90s (I think it was the same name). The "distraction" is key to the trick so when you went down the wrong road the trick worked perfectly.
                What I like best about my minor addiction to busting magic tricks is how it applies to politics and bad management. You would think some managers were trained in magic and entertainment. They sure weren't in any technical field.

                Having the trick is not a negative reflection on you. VERY few people catch these kinds of tricks. That is one of the reasons we keep reelecting the same people to office. Isn't it funny that the finish of the trick is called the Prestige, and that is what most leaders seem to be looking for?

