We had an emergency in the family up in upstate New York, so we left for six months, and came back to find my cork on the cowl tank fuel indicator rod partially melted, or with something really stickey on it. the inside of the aircraft smelled like a a furniture factory. The fuel hose between the shutoff valve, and the gascolator was almost melted, but all the rest of the hoses were fine. I pulled the gascolator cup off, and there was perhaps a quarter of a teaspoon of liquid gas that smelled like shellac in it, and after wiping it out, the very bottom of the cup feels sticky.
Can I get a new fuel guage rod/cork assembly? Who from? HOW do I clean what HAS to be sticky shellac off the inside walls of the cowl tank? Can I do it with the tank still in the plane? Brie
Can I get a new fuel guage rod/cork assembly? Who from? HOW do I clean what HAS to be sticky shellac off the inside walls of the cowl tank? Can I do it with the tank still in the plane? Brie