Prompted by the UV discussion here:
I have often wondered if a black paint of some kind would work as a UV coating. I am fairly sure that some black coatings would stop UV, but how well it could be used on fabric is another thing.
For example, how would black Stits color coating behave over Polybrush. Or, could you make black Polybrush? Or some other black sandable coating over the Polybrush?
I believe I read that black is used on composite surfaces for UV proofing.
For years I've though about making some test frames for function and then exposure, but never got around to doing it.
Oh, by the way, I have devised a way to correct cracks in painted Stits process fabric that works very well. It is labor intensive, but less so than everything else I have tried. The end results are much better.
I have often wondered if a black paint of some kind would work as a UV coating. I am fairly sure that some black coatings would stop UV, but how well it could be used on fabric is another thing.
For example, how would black Stits color coating behave over Polybrush. Or, could you make black Polybrush? Or some other black sandable coating over the Polybrush?
I believe I read that black is used on composite surfaces for UV proofing.
For years I've though about making some test frames for function and then exposure, but never got around to doing it.
Oh, by the way, I have devised a way to correct cracks in painted Stits process fabric that works very well. It is labor intensive, but less so than everything else I have tried. The end results are much better.