The project has finally arrived home.
Now I have to get started sorting things out. From what I've seen so far, it's in better shape than I thought, but I won't jump for joy unitil I can really inspect it. I will become a regular PITA with questions I'm sure but hey, ya gots to learn somehow.
Fortunately I do have experience working on various A/C over the years, so I should be able to get back into it fairly easy. And you guys have all the other answers to my questions, so I'm confident she'll fly again. FYI, That's my S.I.L. in the picture, not me.
Incidentally, the barn also yielded an O-145 if anyone's interested. No logs, but it appears intact.
Incidentally, the barn also yielded an O-145 if anyone's interested. No logs, but it appears intact.