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A list of lift strut suppliers (updated 12 Dec 2007)

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  • #31
    Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

    Originally posted by stormman View Post
    Richard said
    "I'm not trying to be a bone head here, but was the Factory instrumental in this new AD?"

    OK the jigs up , you guys caught me (us)
    The Faa knows my Rear struts crumpled in a wind storm andI have to replace the rear struts along with the wings! SOoooo to make things easier on me They (we ) decided to make EVERYBODY replace theirs Too(;f

    Sorry But thats the way it is
    Richard Boyer
    Georgetown, TX


    • #32
      Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

      Originally posted by Richard Boyer View Post
      You know I love you Guys BUT
      B 52 Norm
      1946 BC12-D1 Nc 44496
      Quicksilver AMPIB, N4NH
      AOPA 11996 EAA 32643
      Lake Thunderbird , Cherokee Village
      Somewhere on the 38° parallel in NE Arkansas


      • #33
        Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

        Must have been gutsey pilot flying around nowing he was one good thermal away from disaster
        Buell Powell TF#476
        1941 BC12-65 NC29748
        1946 Fairchild 24 NC81330


        • #34
          Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

          Guys,This AD has been coming since longer back then you think. I don't know if the factory brought it to the attention of the FAA or not but I'm sure they backed it. I also think it was a good idea. Most of you only own one t-craft and have owned and babied it for years. I on the other hand have owned several. I buy them,sell them,keep them,restore them,repair them,part them out,etc so this should tell you that I have seen a wide range of t-crafts come thru my shop and it would surprise you on how many has rusty struts. Most of the rusty strut birds were those that spent time outside but a few were not.
          Maybe,just maybe if every t-craft owner started protesting the FAA maybe we could have the AD revolked(yeah right),then we can wait until a few of our fellow t-craft owners "DIE" because thier wing fell off in flight. Please let me know what is more important....worst case is $2000-3500 for a set of struts or $300-600 every two years for and inspection , OR if we would rather see our buddies DIE to save us a little money for now then maybe they will remove the AD just to help us out with that! . Before a few of you get all pissy I know most of the T-craft fleet does not have a strut problem but remember these are 60 + year old airplanes and these parts will have to be replaced sometime. That is why we have the option to inspect or replace.
          Why don't we just do it so we never need to worry about it and quit pointing fingers at other people who,for what ever reason,might just be the reason your strut don't break and kill you or your loved ones.
          Now, let's all work together to help each other get this inspection done and put it behind us.
          Kevin Mays
          West Liberty,Ky


          • #35
            Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

            I live 30 mins from stormman do you want me to take him out.. ha.ha.
            I will be order from airframes. please keep us posted .

            as always thank you for your time.


            • #36
              Re: A list of lift strut suppliers


              I agree with most of your last comment. Many parts can fail in flight with no or little damage -- I've had two engine failures (Cessna 140 and Bonanza) with no damage. But a strut failure is not something I can live with. Flying is risky -- we owe it to ourselves to lower the risks when we can by doing reasonable actions like inspection and replacement of rusty structure.

              That said, most of the comments on these threads are about the best way to inspect or the sources of replacement struts. You and many others are much more knowledgeable than I. Thanks for you comments and concerns.
              Dan Brown
              1940 BC-65 N26625
              TF #779
              Annapolis, MD


              • #37
                Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                Originally posted by crispy critter View Post
                Guys,This AD has been coming since longer back then you think. I don't know if the factory brought it to the attention of the FAA or not but I'm sure they backed it. I also think it was a good idea. Most of you only own one t-craft and have owned and babied it for years. I on the other hand have owned several. I buy them,sell them,keep them,restore them,repair them,part them out,etc so this should tell you that I have seen a wide range of t-crafts come thru my shop and it would surprise you on how many has rusty struts. Most of the rusty strut birds were those that spent time outside but a few were not.
                Maybe,just maybe if every t-craft owner started protesting the FAA maybe we could have the AD revolked(yeah right),then we can wait until a few of our fellow t-craft owners "DIE" because thier wing fell off in flight. Please let me know what is more important....worst case is $2000-3500 for a set of struts or $300-600 every two years for and inspection , OR if we would rather see our buddies DIE to save us a little money for now then maybe they will remove the AD just to help us out with that! . Before a few of you get all pissy I know most of the T-craft fleet does not have a strut problem but remember these are 60 + year old airplanes and these parts will have to be replaced sometime. That is why we have the option to inspect or replace.
                Why don't we just do it so we never need to worry about it and quit pointing fingers at other people who,for what ever reason,might just be the reason your strut don't break and kill you or your loved ones.
                Now, let's all work together to help each other get this inspection done and put it behind us.
                Crispy (and others) tjis is all great....but we did not need an AD telling us specifically how to do this and leaving us to follow guidlines that are not universally agreed upon as acceptable....There have been crappy airplanes around for a long time....I've seen some real junk.....but we inspect them each year and weed out the bad....if there are rusty struts.....issue a concern sheet and let the IA's fix em if they are broke....this AD is a bad thing because it was hastily issued, offered no public comment due to "urgency" indicating that we are in danger...and's reasoning tells us that all piper cubs are flying in an unsafe condition because the testing criteria is crap.....they've said it.....punch test doesn't work........and I have 4 T-Crafts and a Cub.....I treat all of the T-Crafts with linseed oil through the vent holes each year at rust....not even on the floatplane.


                • #38
                  Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                  Originally posted by Dano"T" View Post
                  Crispy (and others) tjis is all great....but we did not need an AD telling us specifically how to do this and leaving us to follow guidlines that are not universally agreed upon as acceptable....There have been crappy airplanes around for a long time....I've seen some real junk.....but we inspect them each year and weed out the bad....if there are rusty struts.....issue a concern sheet and let the IA's fix em if they are broke....this AD is a bad thing because it was hastily issued, offered no public comment due to "urgency" indicating that we are in danger...and's reasoning tells us that all piper cubs are flying in an unsafe condition because the testing criteria is crap.....they've said it.....punch test doesn't work........and I have 4 T-Crafts and a Cub.....I treat all of the T-Crafts with linseed oil through the vent holes each year at rust....not even on the floatplane.
                  Well stated. I submit we should do this in other areas we suspect before we get another federal prostate exam.
                  1946 BC-12D N96016
                  I have known today a magnificent intoxication. I have learnt how it feels to be a bird. I have flown. Yes I have flown. I am still astonished at it, still deeply moved. — Le Figaro, 1908


                  • #39
                    Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                    Originally posted by cpirrmann View Post
                    As much as we like to dump on Canada, they seem to have it right when it comes to vintage light planes.
                    I can’t agree more!


                    • #40
                      Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                      I think we all agree that the strut issue is serious and have taken a serious aproach in checking and maintaining our aircraft.I still can not imagine that anyone with the mental ability to obtain a pilot's license would fly a plane with struts in such poor condition that they were rusted thru or how it had been passing inspections(this would not have occured in one or two years. Everyone that owns and or maintains an aircraft with strut braced wings knows about the piper AD and why it was issued. What we question is the way this AD was issued and the methods by which it must be complyed with. If this AD was comming for longer than we know why did we not get a servive bulletin bringing it to our attention and possibly what steps we should take. Please reference the service bulletin 78-0001 that was issued by the previous Taylorcraft factory for landing gear tie struts. I would also question why no consideration is given to those that have recently purchased struts or have checked,treated, and maintained them and thier aircraft.
                      Buell Powell TF#476
                      1941 BC12-65 NC29748
                      1946 Fairchild 24 NC81330


                      • #41
                        Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                        Originally posted by Buell Powell View Post
                        I would also question why no consideration is given to those that have recently purchased struts or have checked,treated, and maintained them and thier aircraft.

                        Because they wouldnt've been forced to buy them from the factory that way. Also, the other things you said were good. We can't eliminate the Darwin factor and, yes, I've even seen stupid pilots. We actually read about many in the NTSB reports. Seems the concern sheets are the way to go.
                        1946 BC-12D N96016
                        I have known today a magnificent intoxication. I have learnt how it feels to be a bird. I have flown. Yes I have flown. I am still astonished at it, still deeply moved. — Le Figaro, 1908


                        • #42
                          Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                          I have no problem with the AD per se, as I can see the potential for disaster. I do have a problem with shelling out even more $ for parts on an airplane that still looks the same, flies the same, and is worth no more despite the $ I pour into it. But that's my problem.

                          I am more concerned that a new AD on the fuselage strut fitting will come out requiring an elaborate, expensive test that actually will ground the fleet. Replacement is not an option with that fitting; it's rebuild.


                          • #43
                            Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                            I don't have an issue with having the AD, I have an issue with their method of compliance which I commented to the FAA about per their request. I also feel with any AD, unless the AD is already complied with an terminated, the market value of the Taylorcraft just dropped $3000 if it doesn't have new sealed struts on it. Anyone willing to take a $3K hicky on a Taylorcraft they got for sale RIGHT NOW????? I doubt it.



                            • #44
                              Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                              My airplane is at Airframes Inc. at Big Lake Alaska right now. Lee has built a new set of wing struts for it, and today is showing the FAA. With a bit of luck, new sealed struts will be available soon. The price will be $1800 for a set of four. Airframes Inc. already builds all the PMA parts for the PA-18 and several others, so adding a new part to there line is easy. The FAA has agreed to fast track this project since the need is there. They told Lee 2 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed. Kevin


                              • #45
                                Re: A list of lift strut suppliers

                                Ive got my name on the list. I am also here in wasilla. I am going to stop buy lees tomarrow and see how there doing. I know lee and his struts will be by far better than what you can get anywhere else and cheaper.
                                Cubcrafters build all there supercubs with his airframes and struts. Also he built me a brand new set of tail feathers they were perfect of corse he had to use a small part of the old ones so they could be called a repair......
                                Last edited by matsuthunder200; 08-26-2007, 23:51.
                                Lance Wasilla AK

