Well after 7 months of winter here at wonderful Fort Greely Alaska, I finally got my airplane back together....its not fun working in below zero temps
I spent most of the winter getting my new mufflers installed and the blisters made for the cowling. I also discovered that the oil slick on the belly was from the oil tank having a crack 6" long around the flange. I got it Brazed up and had the O-200 style supports welded on! I think that will prevent that crack from happening again. After getting her back together last night (its light till about 10:30 pm here) She started with 1 pull! I am impressed. Now its time to get my 3 landings in so I can start giving rides this summer. The Cool thing about Ft. Greely is that we are only about 20 miles north of the Alaska range and what a VIEW. Once I get my new camera figured out, I will try and post some pix. Well I am off to fill'er up with some petro and see how she handles. Later! Tm
