anyone have a good copy of operating limts, performance specifications charts, short field/ takeoff distance charts, all that stuff pertinant to the t-cart specifically. thanks.
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bc12d pilots op handbook
Re: bc12d pilots op handbook
I think the best source is the TCDS.
Look it up on the site
Re: bc12d pilots op handbook
try ESSCO aircraft manuals, they have most of older manuals. Tim
Essco Aircraft sells Aircraft Manuals and Pilot Supplies at wholesale prices. We specialize in hard to find Aircraft Manuals and Vintage Aviation Videos. Essco Aircraft stocks Pilot Operating Handbooks (POHs, Pilot Information Manuals (PIMs) Aircraft Owners and operators Manuals. We are the Aircraft Manual People.N29787
'41 BC12-65
Re: bc12d pilots op handbook
Originally posted by ak t cart View Posti am looking for more info than the a 696.
Re: bc12d pilots op handbook
Dear AK T Cart,
I have the Owner's Manual, Maintenance Manual, and Sevice Manuals. None of them have any performance charts of any kind. I would guess that almost all of the operating information contained in them is on the TCDS.
The Maint. & Service Manuals obviously give info concerning where to grease what, how much to grease, etc. One nice thing is they tell you how to rig the washout in the wings. But none of them tell you how much distance you need to clear a 50' obstacle at a certain density altitude, or how many hours of endurance you will have at a given power setting.
If there is something specific you have a question about maybe someone on the list here can offer an answer.Richard Pearson
Fort Worth, Texas
Re: bc12d pilots op handbook
i had ordered a continental a and c series operators manual, and parts catalog. turns out the operators manual has a ton of useful info. recomended cruise, climb, economy cruise speeds. run up speeds. check lists for that specific engine, performance curves, altitude performance, inspections..a whole bunch of good stuff. i would definately recommend this manual to anyone who doenst have it. thanks for the replies, Logan
Re: bc12d pilots op handbook
Originally posted by fearofpavement View PostFor instance, our BC-12D stalls at about 49 kts indicated. (the airspeed indicator has been calibrated)
Did you calibrate your entire airspeed system or just the indicator? A perfectly calibrated indicator attached to a bad pitot-static system is obviously a suspect here.
Assuming your wings are not twisted (and twisted the wrong way at that), personally it is pretty hard to wrap my head around that high of a stall speed.
Sorry for the obvious/silly question, but do you have the wing root cover strap fairings installed?Taylorcraft : Making Better Aviators for 75 Years... and Counting
Bill Berle
N26451 (1940 BL(C)-65) 1988-90
N47DN (Auster Autocrat) 1992-93
N96121 (1946 BC-12D-85) 1998-99
N29544 (1940 BL(C)-85) 2005-08
Re: bc12d pilots op handbook
Yes we have all the parts installedincluding wing root fairings and so forth.
The instrument calibrations were required as part of the STC process for the O-200 and I don't know if they were calibrated in or out of the aircraft. Anyway, the plane flies fine. The cruise is about 85kts with a metal prop at2400 rpm. The plane doesn't have have negative dihedral or anything weird looking about it but I have never tried adjusting the wings or anything. I also haven't tried doing two way gps runs to verify the airspeeds but from the way it handles I think the airspeed is reading correctly. (you know, x fence posts per unit of time...) We fly our patterns at 70kts on downwind, 65kts on base and a 60kt final which is just a tad over 1.2 vso and it all seems to work out.