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  • #16
    Re: pulleys

    I had a pleasant exchange with Donna Losey at Classic Aero about the pulleys. She says we can use the 3" Luscombe ball bearing pulley if we are willing to bush it down from 1/4" to 3/16". I'll get a couple and try it. If it works ok (or if it doesn't) I'll post the information here.

    The $250 committment for a set of ball bearing pulleys specifically made for the Taylorcraft is a bit too much for me. (It's a great deal though, that works out to about $15 for each pulley!) I suggested to Donna that there would certainly be a good market for individual pulleys even if they get few takers for the complete set.

    She expects they will have Taylorcraft pulleys available in May.

    Classic Aero could become a very good source for the parts we all need. We should all encourage them to stock Taylorcraft parts just as they have so successfully done for the Luscombes.
    Bob Gustafson


    • #17
      Re: pulleys

      The pulleys could be produced under 21.303 b2, however it would be illegal to do so with any plans to market them to others for installation on certified airplanes.

      Since no single owner has a need for 100+ pulleys, we are left with the legal option of doing the required engineering and certification submissions necessary to obtain the FAA PMA approvals. Ralmark does not do that, and they do not FAA-PMA certify much of their production due to the lawyer issues.

      Antique Aluminum is an FAA-PMA producer making pulleys fand other parts or other vintage types, and they are willing to undertake a few hundred units and to FAA certify them for Taylorcraft owners, but they are requesting an advance order (no deposit yet), from persons interested in future delivery about May 2007. FWIW, the ball bearing center makes for a remarkable reduction in control forces and ease of peration during flight. You will like.

      Classic Aero has committed to inventory 100 of each size, and would like some advance orders to offset at least a portion of the initial outlay which is nearly $3000. Call at 480-650-0883 if you think you might want to participate, or if you anticipate some future pulley need.


      • #18
        Re: pulleys

        Tribe, I am missing one three inch pully. Can anyone sell me one?

        Tom Garrick

