The NW Antique Aircraft Club is having it's annual Fly-In this weekend at the McMinnville Airport (MMV). This was formerly know as the Evergreen Fly-In, where it was held for many, many years.
There's always a bunch of very cool old planes there.....usually even a Taylor Cub that resides in these parts. I plan on flying in Saturday morning around 9-ish in the Taylorcraft to beat the forecast 90 degree temperatures. I may have to fly the Stinson, as a number of folks are trying to hitch a ride there, but either way I hope to see some of you there. The Taylorcraft is 43457 and the Stinson is 6502M. Stop and say hey.
This is my first attempt at a larger image in the body of the message (thanks for the lesson, Chris!), so if I screw it up......SORRY!
There's always a bunch of very cool old planes there.....usually even a Taylor Cub that resides in these parts. I plan on flying in Saturday morning around 9-ish in the Taylorcraft to beat the forecast 90 degree temperatures. I may have to fly the Stinson, as a number of folks are trying to hitch a ride there, but either way I hope to see some of you there. The Taylorcraft is 43457 and the Stinson is 6502M. Stop and say hey.
This is my first attempt at a larger image in the body of the message (thanks for the lesson, Chris!), so if I screw it up......SORRY!
