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Wood door

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  • Wood door

    Anyone need a wood door and most of the frame pieces for the other side
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  • #2
    Hang on to it if no one needs it right now. I rebuilt both of mine and it was a real B**CH! I used the fuselage as a fixture to hold the shape as I glued the pieces back together. Whoever built them before the war was a real artist and the joinery was stunning. Still almost every glue joint had failed. The joinery was holding the whole things together! It took me a long time to rebuild them but now they are fantastic. When the doors close it sounds like a 1950s Buick. Solid as a rock and really nice and light. Bare photo is from the factory in 1941. Painted door is on my plane after restoration. I have drawings of some mods I made and I also made a mold and cast new door handles. The latch mechanism can still be found at some old time locksmiths and was actually a wood storm door latch. Click image for larger version

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